Noosh Time

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Noraville - Home Group Weekend Away : 22-23 July 06

Thanks to the generosity of Helen Carruthers, our Home Group were able to spend a fun weekend up the north coast at Noraville ... it was relaxing, a lot of fun with many laughs ... beautiful blue skies and sunshine ... lazy reading and sleeping time ... long walks on the beach and a night of UNO madness!! Here are some memories to cherish captured by my lense ...

These are some of the fantastic rock formations along the beach front ...

Some local fisherman show us their catch ... rocks ... sand ... and more beach stones!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Fiona's Farewell Home Group : Wednesday, 19 July 06

Fiona is off to live and work in Japan for 2 years and is leaving on Monday, so we had a fun farewell ... it will be sad to see her go and she will be missed ... but we look forward to catching up with her in time to come when she comes home on visits ...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hillsong Conference 2006 : Bill Hybels & Reinhard Bonnke

On Wednesday this week, I took a half day of leave and went out to the Hillsong Conference to hear Bill Hybels talk ... he spoke about Crossing the Road ... stepping out of our comfort zones according to the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit in order to reach out to the lost children of God!

I have to say that standing on my own ... without a single friend or person that I knew ... in the middle of a stadium of 35,000 people worshipping and praising God was one of the most exquisite moments of my life ... a truly God moment when I was one with God's people ... brothers and sisters in Christ and giving my life to worship God ...

Then, on Thursday night, I went back to the Conference with Clint Hook to see Reinhard Bonnke, a famous Evangelist preach on Africa and challenge us to live up to the call of evangelism ... we were treated to an hour of worship from Israel Houghton's "New Breed Ministries" which was absolutely fantastic ... Israel has an amazing voice and really lifted the roof off the Superdome stadium along with the praising of approx. 35,000 people ...

Reinhard Bonnke also treated us to a world first premier of his latest evangelistic film release ... a series of 8 films from across the world which encourages us to take up God's call to become part of his global world plan ...

On the clip that we saw called "Lost at Sea", his main message was this :

"God's own image in man was the image of love until the storms of sin ruffled the waters and the reflection was distorted. But God was not outwitted. He invested all he had for everyone who ever lived. Through the ages, many passionate men and women have lived and died to preach Christ and his salvation to all tribes and nations. The love of God in a man's soul is one hundred times finer and more noble than any motive that has ever driven him.

To know the love of all loves is the secret of all secrets. My friend, I am here to tell you the church of Jesus Christ is not a pleasure boat but a lifeboat for saving souls and every hand is needed on deck."

Wow ... so powerful ... what a great message!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Meeting Sam ... Catching up with Pen

I had a great opportunity to meet Pen & Adam's little Sam who is just adorable ... it was lovely to catch up with Pen and share in each other's lives again ... here are some photos of her adorable little man ... what a cutie !!

Lizzie & Luke's Wedding : 1 July 06

Lizzie and Luke got married today ... she looked gorgeous and her dress was superb ... here are some shots to celebrate this momentous occasion ... Enjoy!