Noosh Time

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Baby Boy ... A Prince

Well what a week it has been ... the birth of a new baby boy, Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and what a worldwide fuss was made in relation to his arrival!! I have to be honest and say that I was also captivated to see the first pictures of the little Prince but that is where my interest ended for the most part since I have my own little Prince and Princess to keep my attention fairly and squarely in focus!

However, all the attention over this one child's arrival into the world did give me time to pause and ponder on the birth of an even greater Prince who arrived many thousands of years ago and whose birth was in stark contrast to this day and age!! Yes, the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ was born without fanfare, pomp or ceremony apart from a few select Angels, the Shepherds and Wise Men, who were aware of his arrival and yet, the impact that He has had on the world goes far beyond that of any birth that an earthly prince could surpass - even with today's media furore!!

Imagine if we were all captivated in anticipation of Jesus Christ's return in the same way that we watched and waited for news of Prince George's impending arrival ... people put their lives on hold, shops were closed, pubs were opened, people stopped working, people gathered together with friends and loved ones in great celebration, everyone was talking about it, thinking about it, sharing in a piece of history. News reports were suspended with excitement and everyone was desperate to get a mere tit bit of information to be the first one to announce the arrival and tell the world that a Prince or Princess had been born! Mass hysteria of some description albeit sporadically dispersed across the world could be almost tangibly felt and seen ... something BIG was about to happen, something historic, something to remember ... perhaps even something life changing!

So what is all the fuss about really? Is our adoration, objectification and speculation about one baby boy reflective of where society is currently placed? We are still in awe and wonder over the birth of a Prince but for many, they've missed the greatest birth of all humanity in Jesus Christ's arrival and worse still, they will also miss his return and this will have eternal consequences!

Do you know the difference between the Prince of Cambridge and the Prince of Peace and their respective arrivals? Think about it for a moment ... it may truly change your life!


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