Noosh Time

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reflections ... and Stirrings ...

We have just entered the year 2012 ... 12 days ago to be precise and I can't help but stop and reflect on my life to date and all the amazing adventures I have experienced! I will be turning 40 years old in May this year ... WOW ... that's such an amazing milestone, I can hardly believe it ... but it has also made me think about what I still want to achieve and how I want to be reminded of God's faithfulness every day so that I can continue living in a sacraficial way in order to bring God glory. I'm so far from being able to do this, but I've also found that writing my thoughts down brings them into a sharper focus of reality rather than a simple desire and/or mere whimiscal mind space!

I feel like I've been on a long and often very "dry" journey these past two years with so many things happening in my life which created such a self focus that was, almost, inevitable, but never my real purpose or aim ... it just kind of happened ... and I let it. And now that time is over ... it's time to refocus my eyes on Christ and look to Him for wisdom and guidance in all things!

I was listening to a fantastic sermon by Louie Giglio, Pastor of Passion City Church ( ) on being unusual ie. living an unusual life, not conforming to the norm, not being caught up in following society for the sake of being the same as everyone else but striving to be different, to be unusual - set apart from the norm, bringing glory to God and the passage he was focussing on is Romans 11:33-36 and a bit into Chapter 12 but I am so moved and challenged by the weight of the following words ...

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

"Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?"

"Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."

Is that not just an amazing reminder of who God is?? I just had to repeat them over and over again until their fullness had sunk in ... and is still sinking in to the depths of my heart and understanding of God ... oh ... to know God so much more intimately is my primary desire right now! Of course I love Brad and Kaylah to bits and they are of primary importance in my life but I have to put God first ... I am ashamed to think that I let him slide into third place there for a while, yet I realise now that He cannot be anything but in first place always for He deserves this position without a shadow of a doubt!

God is so creative, so artistic, so beautiful in his design and creation ... these three photos of a cloud, a flower and a gorgeous baby Kukkaburra bird remind me of His great provision!

More and more, the attitudes of my heart must be reminded of God's amazing love, faithfulness and forgiveness and my thankfulness and gratitude must move me forward to speaking in love, thinking in love, responding in trust and faith and forgiving in abundance for He forgave me first. I am so encouraged and uplifted today to keep on sharing my thoughts with whoever wants to listen and/or read ... may God's Holy Spirit be an ever present light in your life too!


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