Noosh Time

Friday, March 16, 2012

Faithfulness ... living with the Faithful One

Over the last 5 years, I have come to experience God's faithfulness in a very tangible way and I am now constantly reminded of how faithful God is in the every day things of life but it is good to be reminded of His faithfulness on a daily basis too and so I wanted to share this.

Since we made a decision to move to Perth, God has just blessed us by opening doors, making connections, reminding us of old friends who we can reunite with in Perth, replenishing our failing finances, providing me with a potential job offer already ... and not just any job but one with Christian sisters and Psychologists who happen to also be South Africans?! Amazing ... although, contracts are not signed yet so I don't want to jump the gun but I am just so moved that despite my painful reluctance to leave Sydney, God has been encouraging us beyond imagination that He is in this move to Perth!! God is so good to us ... I'm humbled and amazed that He would want to be faithful to me when I fall so short of His glory and what He expects of us ... "perfection" - (Matt: 5:48). The beautiful thing is that He always knew that perfection was never to be achieved by any one of us except for His precious son Jesus ... a sinless Saviour who paid the ultimate price of sacrafice so that we might know God for who He really is ... the Faithful One.

I realise that there are so many times when I lack confidence in completely trusting God, and I try to rely on my own understanding and strength, but inevitably I fall over in a heap most of those times wondering where God is when I need Him most! But then I receive a gentle nudge, a bible verse or a daily devotional reading that brings me back to a child like dependence upon God ... for whom else can I turn to in times of trouble or struggle and know that He will always be there ... my true and precious friend, the Faithful One.

I encourage you to listen to and read the lyrics to one of my most favourite songs of all time ... it is called "Faithful One" ... it is truly soul changing and uplifting! (Copy & Paste into a web page if this doesn't hyperlink)

God can never be unfaithful because He is the Faithful One and He is unchanging, a Rock through the Ages. We can depend on Him, trust in Him, love Him, honour Him, obey Him, seek Him and ultimately, bring glory to Him for his faithfulness endures forever and if you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then the power of God's faithfulness is with you today and always until we walk into eternity! I pray you know God's faithfulness in your life always.


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