Noosh Time

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fleeting Creativity vs Everlasting Artistic Genius

Do you ever have moments where you experience a side of yourself that doesn't often get a chance to be seen or heard? In my case, I sometimes do little projects that make me feel creative and artistic when I am by no means very adept at being either of those descriptives!! But ... at the moment, I am working on a little project for Kaylah's 1st birthday and it has reminded me of how truly amazingly creative and artistic God is ... in all things!

I refer again to Louie Giglio as my real source of inspiration for my recent thinking and I want to just share some of the things that I have found to be overwhelmingly powerful and convincing that God is real ... not that I ever doubted that however, sometimes, it is just good to be reminded of God's reality!

When God created the earth and everything that is in it ... he created all things from "no-thing" - Louie Giglio's description, not mine, but nonetheless, a very interesting thought! According to Louie, at this point in time, scientists are excited about "dark matter" and how important it is that, what is actually not visible to the naked eye, is extremely vital to the sustainability of our planet!! But hang on a minute ... isn't that what the Bible tells us in Genesis and again in Hebrews 11:1-3:

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

I sometimes freak out when I think about what heaven is going to be like because, I believe or at least hope that, our eyes will be fully opened to the wonder of God but even then, we may not be able to comprehend God completely because He is just so beyond us. Hopefully, however, we will have an opportunity to learn so much more about God's plan for the universe, and how the earth fits into that plan ... and even further still how we, as individuals, fit into that plan because God is an intimate and personal God.

My fleeting creativity in small projects fades into obscure insignificance in comparison to a mighty, everlasting artistic genius, the God of the Bible, who could speak and command such an amazing feat of nature, our earth, into existence from "no-thing"! Praise God for wanting to even know us after that!


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