Noosh Time

Monday, August 21, 2006

Christening our African Angel

Our littel African Angel was christened this Sunday, 20 Aug 06 and ... she looked like a little Princess ... sooo gorgeous!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Reach Out : 18-20 August 06

After moving house, I drove up to Katoomba with Kirsten and we met up with Rach, Jules, Bel, Kristan & Jim for the Reach Out weekend where we got to meet some amazing people and hear fantastic speakers who encouraged us and challenged us to think about "Reconciliation" to God which was the theme of the weekend and how we can be involved in God's global plan for world evangelisation!

Here are some of the photos from the weekend ... the international colours of the world are displayed across the auditorium ...

(L-R) Brooke, Rob & Stu were from Pioneers ... we had a great night with them and a few others on the Saturday night at their home for the weekend in Katoomba ... it was a very special evening of sharing in one another's lives ... I don't know the other girl's name I'm afraid and the other guy was my "bus" buddy in a workshop session but his name escapes me now ... he's on his way to South Africa for a 6 month mission so to all my SA friends ... keep a look out for him and his mate "Max"??

Some of the mission organisation's displays ... including African Enterprise by our friend Pete who was "MIA" when I took the photo!!

Here are the girls ... (L-R) Kirsten, Bel, Rach, Jules and Kristan ...

Dr Omar Djoeandy who was one of the main key speakers ... he loves to say that he is "CIA" - Chinese ethnically, born in Indonesia and and Australian since he was 10yrs old. He has studied and worked in Kenya for 12 yrs and is now the Australian Director of SIM. His message on Reconciliation was extremely challenging, very moving and so inspiring!!

Baerbel or "Bel" as she is affectionately known, has been a Christian for just over a year but is on fire for God and is a true encouragement to us all to see how God is working so powerfully in her life!

Monday, August 07, 2006

African Angel ... Update!

My little Niece is growing up so fast ... she's adorable ... and my Dad is having fun with a new camera ... enjoy!

And some of Guy too ...

And Nan is in the picture too!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ricky in South America

My friend Kiko (Ricky) recently went to South America and did the Macchu Picchu trail, Brazil and various other interesting places ... lucky him!

Kendra says "Cheese Noo Noo"

My little God daughter Kendra is learning to talk so beautifully ... and today she was saying "Cheese Noo Noo" ... Noo Noo being my nickname for her and Saphy! She's so cute ... check her out!!

Esther & Sturt Get Married : Saturday, 5 Aug 06

Esther and Sturt are now officially Mr and Mrs Maclennan ... it was a beautiful ceremony ... here are some happy memories of the special day!!