Noosh Time

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Simultaneous Duality ... and so much more!

Nothing can prepare me for what lies ahead, nothing can change what has already passed ... however, God can work through both the past and the present and He knows the future ... so I can trust in Him!

I've spent some time reflecting on the last 3 years in Sydney and chatted with Brad about it too ... I realised that there have been so many changes, challenges, highs & lows and now ... I'll be leaving this Sydney life behind and starting a new life in Perth where the possibilities are endless, the potential for new things is inevitable and the ability to embrace this new life is exciting! But I want to hold on ... I want to stay ... I want to be in both places at the same time!

A few nights ago, the movie "Sliding Doors" was shown ... I hadn't seen the movie in years but I just thought how interesting it would be to be able to live your life in simultaneous duality yet be on totally different paths ... and it made me consider my walk with God ... do I live in simultaneous duality in my faith? In one life, my Christian life, I do all the right "christian" things ie. the things that I'm expected to do as a follower of Christ, a true believer in Jesus being my Lord and Saviour ... and in the other life, I'm just a fallen sinful woman who continously does the wrong thing!

I cannot be Christian and non-Christian at the same time ... my choice is clear, I am a Jesus Follower - a Christian and no matter what happens, I cannot be both or neither - the same is true for us all. As we come to reflect on the sacrafice that God made for each of us this Easter, I pray that you might seek to either renew the choice you made to follow Christ or make a new choice to follow Christ for you cannot be both Christian and non-Christian simultaneously. If you believe in Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and embrace eternal life, you are saved by God's grace and mercy and Easter will be a blessed and joyful celebration of God's commitment and promises to you! If you think that going to church makes you a Christian, especially at Easter, you need to really consider the duality of the life you are leading and ask yourself if you truly believe ... and if you can't answer, I urge you to search for the answers that lie deep within your heart ... and let your head catch up!

I believe that living in simultaneous duality is just not feasible and most people who attempt to live two separate lives inevitably end up destroying both of these lives and the longer the deception has continued, the more painful the consequences.

I know that God expects us to live fully in the present, He wants us to benefit from all that He has to offer us in the here and now. He commands that we should not worry about what the future holds, not even worry about what tomorrow will bring and that He will take care of us ... this is his promise to us for always! God wants us to live to our fullest potential, but mostly, I believe that He wants us to know Him more which will enable and empower us to make changes in our lives for His glory!

May this Easter be a time of rejoicing in present blessings, an authentic Christian faith being deepened, strengthened, renewed or made new and a sense of oneness with God for the future is in His hands alone.

Be blessed