Noosh Time

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Day of 2013

I can't believe it is New Year's Eve 2013 ... where did this year go? Time seems to be accelerating as I age and every year seems to go by faster and faster and I wonder what I did or didn't do and how I could have done things differently.

A New Year is always a chance for new beginnings and new adventures, new friendships and new projects to be planned and completed ... I'm going to endeavor to lead a more meaningful and fulfilled lifestyle in 2014 which will start first of all by drawing closer to God through Jesus Christ and the Word, because without Him, life is meaningless! I will be studying again this year at Entrust through our church which I am so excited about and God willing, I will learn more and more about Him and grow deeper in relationship with Him. I want to be a more devoted friend, a kinder hearted servant and a more loving and caring mum and wife to my beautiful little family. I pray for God's strength in abundance to see the needs of others and help where I am best suited to be of the greatest assistance, to enjoy life to the fullest but most of all, to have gratitude in my own heart every day for the graciousness of God's mercy, the amazing abundance of His love and awe filled inspiration to do what God wills for my life!

I pray you will know God's love, peace and joy in 2014 too!

Many blessings as you celebrate NYE 2013!!

Liam Brodie ... 7 Months Already

Liam Brodie was born on 30 May 2013 and has been an absolute joy and precious addition to our family ... we love him to bits and his smile with those gorgeous double dimples just lights up any room! What an amazing gift from God - we are privileged to have a beautiful baby boy, a son and a brother to Kaylah ... looking forward to 2014 with many more happy times as we love, nurture and encourage these little people in their life journey!