Noosh Time

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rachel & Leith's Wedding ... A Tribute to a Beautiful Bride

On Saturday, 22 February 2014, I joined a bunch of my loveliest friends to celebrate the wedding of Rachel Williams and Leith Rapp in Forster ... it was a beautiful wedding - so emotional and heartfelt and I had the privilege of giving a speech on behalf of Rach ... some people missed the wedding for various reasons and asked if I could post what I said so here is my speech ...


Good Evening everyone. I’ve been given the privilege of saying a few words about our beautiful bride.

Hebrews 13:2 says "Don’t forget to entertain strangers for in doing so, some may have entertained Angels without knowing it".

About 12 years ago God blessed me with an earthly Angel when I met Rach – an amazing sister in Christ, our lives have been closely intertwined ever since! In preparing this, I felt overwhelmed because I have had so many precious moments of shared laughter, tears, ups and downs, highs and lows, adventures and misadventures with her and there are so many things I want to tell you about Rach but I can’t keep you here all night as there is much partying to be done, so I hope this will capture the heart and essence of Rachel on this very special wedding day!

I would like to congratulate Leith, because although we don’t know each other well, I have to admire his fine taste and perfect choice in a wife of such immeasurable quality and noble character! Rachel’s name spells out her character so let's take a look at what Leith has discovered and what I know to be true of Rachel.

R is for Relationships - Rachel is the most well connected, widely loved and amazing friend to me and so many others! She tirelessly works on building up, and seeking genuine friendships and relationships with her family, her friends, her work mates, the wider church family, and even the homeless old man who came to St Matts looking for someone to tell him not to pee in the garden! Rachel is a devoted friend who always gives the best of herself to others. Her authentic realness keeps her firmly grounded and Leith, you can be sure that she will build and strengthen your relationship as husband and wife on a daily basis. Rachel is all about relationships!

A is for Adventurous - Rachel loves living life to the full and her adventurous spirit is sure to keep Leith on his toes!! From bush camping and 4 wheel driving, Contiki touring abroad, to surfing in the great ocean, riding motorbikes in the back country of Vietnam, partying in exotic places and travelling both near and far , Rach has done it all in style … and sometimes, her style has been colourful at best, and sometimes hilarious at worst! Most times, Rach has brought the party to life and been the life of the party ... Moving interstate twice, and registering her car in 3 different states in 1 year, there is never a dull moment with this Adventurer and now, God has taken her to the red centre to explore more of His great creation! No doubt Rach will take Leith to places in his own backyard that he's never been before ... but before you start thinking something else, I simply mean she is likely to pitch a tent in the backyard for a night under the stars ... Can you picture that right now? Their love story is surely one of the greatest adventures anyone could imagine and God had His work cut out in bringing them together … I can picture God saying “Whew, can’t rely on family connections and the bush telegraph alone any more – thank goodness for technological advances – Internet, FaceBook, Aeroplanes and Cupid’s Chemistry. They finally got the message and found each other and look what happened! Rachel is Adventurous!!

C is for Christ Centred - There are few women who wear their heart on their sleeve like Rach does for all to see and hear, and I for one, believe that we are all so much richer for it. Rachel is a faithful and dedicated follower who has her eyes firmly fixed on Jesus Christ and her steadfast determination to trust in God for all aspects of her life, has been admirable. Whether at work, play or at home, Rachel walks an authentic walk along her faith journey and now, God has so much more in store for her in her role as a wife to Leith and hopefully in time to come, God willing, a mother to beautiful children. Waiting for Mr Right is not always easy or fun, but God blessed Rach with patient endurance, a sense of self-worth and honest self-reflection, and from the moment she met Leith, who is a husband of perfect imperfections, God blessed Rach with a handsome reward, wiping away any moments of self-doubt and loneliness. And all that time and preparation makes this union with Leith that much sweeter and perfectly timed because God’s plan is always for our good. Rach has inspired, encouraged and wisely counselled many who have shared her faith journey. She is a living example of a God loving servant, waiting for her life partner to be prepared for her, and at the same time being moulded and shaped by God in preparation for this very moment! I often think about how many conversations Rach and I have had over the past 12 years – and being a Psychologist myself, I made a rough calculation that if we had charged each other for all the hours of mutual counselling we have shared, we could both probably be retiring right now!! Doh! We would spend hours talking and wondering who God was preparing to take us on for life - and I can testify to knowing that both our husbands are very special, perfectly imperfect and also very lucky men!
Rachel is truly Christ Centred!

H is for Heartfelt Helper - Rachel is the girl next door, neighbour friend that everyone wants and needs - she is the first one to pitch in and help with any activity, event, party and get together that's happening and more importantly, she's the last one who helps clean up at the end of the night … but do you agree with me - I think she can have tonight off! Rach will direct the lost tourist, transport the frail old lady, make delicious dinners for friends and entertain strangers, welcome the homeless, reach out to the lonely, care for the sick and serve the needy and babysit our kids ... Rach is the most heartfelt helper I know and I'm sure we have all received and benefitted from her kindness, helpfulness and hospitality at some point in our lives. She always jumps in boots and all and mucks around in the mud, not afraid to get her hands dirty in any situation and this tells me that she is beautiful on the inside which then shows on the outside to everyone who knows her.
Rachel is a Heartfelt Helper.

E is for Excellent and Effervescent – Rachel’s effervescence draws many people to her and tonight, she is our sparkling bride! She has the ability to make you feel at ease and right at home from the moment you meet her. She is excellent in the art of communication which, is really just a nice way of saying “Rach can talk the hind leg off a donkey if she’s given half a chance!!” But we love her for that too! She is generous with her time, her energy and her passions and she brings an excellence to everything that she does in her own unique Rach kind of way. Her laughter bubbles out of her and rings in your head long after the moment is over or, you’ve both fallen off the chair!
Rachel is Excellent and Effervescent!

L is for Loving and Loyal – Rachel is the most loving and loyal daughter, niece, cousin and friend as I’m sure her parents, her family and all of you would agree. She is the first one to call, or drop around and visit when things have gone haywire, or you’re having a blue moment. She’s dependable and reliable in any situation and is dedicated to uplifting and encouraging others in times of need. In our lives, she shares both the moments of heartache and the moments of joy - fully! She makes friendship so much sweeter because her vibrant nature speaks volumes for the woman that she is and we are all better off for having her to call friend! Rachel is Loving and Loyal!

So there you have it … I present our beautiful bride … Rachel … Relational, Adventurous, Christ Centred, Heartfelt Helper, Excellent and Effervescent, Loving and Loyal … what more could a man ask for in a wife … Leith … I think you’ve hit the jackpot!! Leith, we welcome you as a cherished friend because Rach loves you and we love Rach!

Finally, Rach – on a personal note, I want to thank you for being such an amazing friend – may this incredible moment in your life be forever unforgettable as a treasured memory, for you deserve every happiness, unconditional and unending love, and the best of the best that life has to offer, and my prayer is that God will bless you and Leith in your marriage in immeasurable doses of goodness, kindness, patience, joy and love for one another.

Rach, I love you heaps and I miss you - I wish the red centre wasn’t so far away, but I know that God, through Leith will care for you, no matter how far you roam, how wide the distance and how long the time apart, for you are one of the dearest friends I have and you are always in my heart!


The Happy Couple at dinner the night before the wedding ... meeting Leith for the first time

Great Friends ... share a special moment!

Beautiful Bride ... walking the aisle ...

Mr and Mrs Rapp ... what a great celebration!

Beautiful girls help celebrate the fun!

Me with the happy couple in the far distance ...

Rach & I ... dearest of friends for life!

Stu & Jeanette Harris ... aka ... Mexican Mafia?!

Tree of Love ... and Life