Noosh Time

Friday, August 05, 2005

Noosh Time Introduction

Noosh Time is a fun place ... a serious place ... a place of interest ... an insight into the "space" inside my head!

Noosh Time is a place to share some thoughts, ideas, suggestions and insights I have on life, love and everything else in between ... join me on the journey or just sit back and contemplate, reflect and ponder things with an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to accept my unique and different point of view!

I read a very interesting quote the other day which has stuck with me, and I think it is something we should all remember ... "The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." (Rick Warren wrote this in his book "The Purpose Driven Life", pg 128) - A great read if you are wanting answers to the question - "What on Earth am I here for?"

My hope is that God will touch your life and bless you where you sit and as you read this BLOG !

Noosh :o)


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