Noosh Time

Monday, May 07, 2007

Adelaide comes to Sydney!

Nigel, Laura and gorgeous little Adelaide all came to visit us in Sydney and stayed a night or two which was a lot of fun ... Aunty Manda and Aunty Noosh had some fun times with lots of laughs ... putting nappies on the wrong way, struggling with stroller issues and of course buttoning up baby grow pyjamas ... all challenges we faced together ... and triumphed over together ... much to our own amusement!!

Adelaide is, of course, the apple of her Aunt Manda's eye ... and it's not surprising with such beautiful blue eyes that can melt a heart in an instant! Bruno Bear proved very popular to cuddle with... take a look...

Look who's got the remote Dad ... now I'm in control of telly?!

I'm gonna zap that black thing outta my face!

Then a very important call came in from Aunt Manda ...


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