Noosh Time

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Noosh News : July 2007

Howzit from Durbz By the Sea!

I hope that you are well and enjoying life to the fullest measure. I trust that God has been working in your life and that your faith in Him is sure and certain.

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1"

I watched a fantastic movie called "Faith Like Potatoes" about a farmer named Angus Buchan and his family. His life was radically changed as God performed miracles through tragedy and the natural elements to show him that we need faith like potatoes - watch it and be inspired as you see God's hand at work!

I have so enjoyed being back in my old home town, Durban for the opportunity to rest and relax after my hectic departure from Sydney. I have had such fun reconnecting with my family and friends. I deduced that the history we establish with one another impacts the depth of our relationships forever but it is the connectedness that we continue to nurture that makes certain that the relationship endures over time and distance. I always love the fact that I can return to South Africa approximately every 2 years and without fail, there are people here who make me feel like I've never been away. There is a sense of knowing, trust, acceptance, and comfort in these relationships and friendships and they are very special. I am aware that people change, move on and continue moving forward as is to be expected … and I have no doubt that I continue to do the same, however fundamentally, at the heart of it, I know I can depend on these friendships - they have endured and persevered despite everything.

Throughout my life, I have endeavoured to stay connected with people that I have met because every person I have ever met has impacted my life in ways they may never know. Unfortunately, often the communication lines get blurred or faint and are sometime cut completely. But when the friendship is worth it, the reconnection is sweeter than ever. While I have been here, I have experienced this - I have been able to reconnect with a special friend who I lived with in London. We had not had any contact for nearly 5 years but I can't tell you how good it was to chat to her again and reminiscing over times gone by was so great. We have shared things in our lives that no one else can share or take away from us and I realised how much I have missed hearing the laughter in her voice and picturing her beautiful face.

It got me to thinking why I feel that staying connected is so important to me and I was struck by the thought that sometimes the connection between me and God feels like it has been cut off for one reason or another or it has become a one way street. Inevitably, I know that I feel like this when I have not maintained good communication with God in prayer and I start to feel like I'm wandering around in a desert of uncertainty and doubts, low self-esteem and concerns creep in so easily. Yet I am also acutely aware that God continues to keep the channel of communication open for me to make use of and every time I reconnect with Him, it is a sweet reunion because it means that our friendship gets deeper as I share my fears, my tears, my joys and my life with Him.

I was also struck by the memory that when I first arrived in Australia, my biggest stumbling block to connecting with people was that I did not have a history with them. However, through time and shared experiences, I built a deep and meaningful history with many people and I trust that these connections have created a stable, dependable certainty and a comforting knowledge that no matter how far apart we are, or how little we see each other, I will always feel like I never really left when I reconnect again.

Love is the relational glue that binds us to each other and keeps relationships strong and prayer is the spiritual glue that binds us to God and allows Him to keep us strong. God remains available to us no matter how silent we have been towards Him or when it was, that we last connected with Him. I believe that He faithfully provides a deep friendship that reminds me how important I am to Him. He longs to hear from me and to be part of my life in the everyday things, not just the big events or when I think I need Him. Relationship means "relating" - a two way street always provides a return option, however one way traffic only goes in one direction!

Family Fun

Getting to know my niece Nicola who is nearly 18 months old has been so wonderful - she is trying so hard to talk and babbles away until we get what she wants. The cutest thing about her is when you ask her to tell you what various animals say - my favourite is her rendition of what a "Hadedaa" bird says which translates into - "Ah-Haa" … it's too funny! My nephew Guy is growing fast and is also a gorgeous child and we've also had much fun together undertaking all sorts of activities.

Nikky holding on to her favourite balloon for dear life!

We went to see "The Jungle Book" play and uShaka Marine World where we were treated to fantastic dolphin and seal performances. Spending time with my folks, my brother Murray, my sister-in-law Karrie and my uncle Keith has been really great too. We've had lots of great discussions and a lot of laughs. We also celebrated my mum and my uncle's 60th birthdays which was terrific fun and provided fits of laughter around age related mischief and growing old gracefully!

The Big "Hunt" at Hluhluwe Game Reserve

My folks and I spent 3 days in the Hluhluwe and Umfolozi Game Reserve hunting for the big cats who, disappointingly, remained elusive. However, we had some brilliant encounters of the close and personal kind with lots of other wild creatures including elephants, rhino, hyaena, zebra, giraffe, buffalo, lots of buck in Umfolozi and phenomenal birds of prey. The highlight was our encounter with a baby hyaena and it's mother - it was just like a fluffy puppy bounding with much bravado whilst testing boundaries. We also saw baby versions of rhino, elephant, giraffe, crocodile and baboons. We embarked on a night drive on our first night and initially did not see anything for about 1.5 hours as the spotlight on our vehicle was faulty. Thankfully, the guide arranged 2 new spot lights and we were given an extra half hour tour during which we saw all kinds of animals including hearing a lion kill just beyond our view. We could hear them feeding and could also see four hyaenas at close range just lying in wait to finish off the scraps.
Being in the wilds of Africa again was spectacular - the stars seemed so much brighter and the milky-way was clearly streaked across the sky like a wispy night cloud. I marveled in awe at God's magnificent creation of creatures great and small and the "fingerprints of God" in every animal, bird and plant were clear to see - each so unique and beautiful and completely designed by an amazing Creator. The fact that animals each have their own unique set of stripes and patterns always amazes me - uniquely and perfectly designed! I hope the photos have remained together - apologies if they are all over the page. I have the new Windows XP 2007 and I could not group my photos, much to my frustration - any suggestions from computer whizz kids would be welcome for future newsletters!

Next Steps

I fly out of South Africa in a week's time on Sunday, 5 August for the next leg of my journey - one step closer to the ship. I arrive in London on Monday, 6 August where I will be staying for 2 weeks. On Tuesday, 21 August, I fly to Amsterdam and head north to Dalfsen for the OM Global Conference for 2 weeks - final leg to the ship.

Ship News

As far as I know, the ship has not sailed to Germany yet as they are waiting on crew and testing to be completed. I can’t believe that I’m getting so close to actually seeing the ship in real life instead of via photos and websites. It is very exciting to anticipate what is ahead and to be open to whatever God has prepared for me. I now have Skype on my new computer so look forward to chatting!

Doulos to Visit Australia - 2008: The Doulos is going to be visiting every major port city in Australia in 2008 for the last time ever. I highly recommend that you take this opportunity to board the ship, see what the OM Ship ministry is all about and catch a glimpse into what I am doing on the Logos Hope. Check the OM Australia or OM Ship web sites for more info. or

Other News

I have been saddened and quite shocked by the number of close friends and people close to our family who have been touched and impacted by the crime and violence in South Africa. Most people I have spoken to seem quite disillusioned and are fast losing hope in the future of this beautiful and amazing country - much prayer is needed.

Praise & Prayer Focus

Thank you for taking time to connect with God on my behalf in prayer. Amen to all these praise and prayer points.

* Praise God for the opportunity I have had to relax, refresh and rejuvenate my body, mind and soul

* Praise God for relationships and friendships that make us feel at home no matter how far apart we are - may they always be this way

* Praise God for all the opportunities I have had to share my faith and journey with family and friends in SA

* Pray that the next step will go smoothly in travel and safety so that I will reach my destinations without hassle

* Pray for peace and an end to the crime and violence that plagues so many people of all colours in South Africa

* Pray that God will provide the necessary personnel and resources for the Logos Hope to get to Germany

* Pray that I will continue to know God's wisdom, power, love and comfort in living out His will as I struggle with missing Sydney and leaving my family in SA

Food For The Soul

"Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.” (1 John 2:6)"

What a challenge to walk and live as Jesus did, however, thankfully, God does not expect us to walk perfectly because He knows we never will. But He does expect us to walk in dependence on His perfection. I keep reminding myself that I don't have to be perfect, I just have to keep focused on Jesus who is the Author and Perfector of my faith because in Him, I find my true identity!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

uShaka Marine World : Thursday, 12 July 2007

Today, my folks and I took Guy to the theme park in Durban called "uShaka Marine World" and we watched a spectacular dolphin and seal show. One of the oldest dolphins - Gambit was around when I was a kid and I was amazed to see that he is still alive and performing beautifully considering his age!! He is one of the largest dolphins I've ever seen!

After the shows, we walked around the aquarium which is located in the basement of an old ship so you really do feel like you are under the ocean - there were some amazing fish in there and Guy loved it!

The Durban beachfront looks pretty appealing on a beautiful day ...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Family Reunion : Sunday, 8 July 2007

I arrived in Durban, South Africa on Tuesday, 3 July 2007. The last time I saw my folks was in October 2005 and my nephew Guy was just 2 years old. Now, Guy is nearly 4 years old and I met my baby niece, Nicola in person for the first time - she is 18 months old and just so cute! She is trying so hard to talk and much to her frustration, we can't quite understand what she is trying to say half the time but it's so sweet to listen to her. When you ask her to repeat a word, you can practically see the cogs of the brain turning as she thinks about how to articulate the word, and then if it's too hard, she just shouts "Daaaaah!" and giggles which makes us all laugh ... adorable! I'm having so much fun with them and on our first day together, we baked biscuits, we painted, we drew pictures, played in the garden and read books and we watched Noddy! Family really is special in their own unique ways and I am thankful to God that I have once again been able to spend quality time with my Mum, Dad, Brother - Mur, Sister-in-law, Karrie and our beautiful babies - Guy & Nicola.

We went for Sunday lunch to a restaurant called "Waterberry" in Balito and the kids loved playing on the jungle gym outside. Guy had had his face painted like Spiderman so he took on this persona on the ropes!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Howzit South Africa! : Monday, 2 July 2007

Howzit ... what's happenin?

Landing back in South Africa after nearly two years away was again quite surreal for me but it was lovely to see my dear friend Gail who has been an old and close friend from school for many, many years! I stayed with her and her husband Jon and we went out to dinner to a gorgeous restaurant called "Batouk" with my cousins Alison and Juliet and her husband Owen, and two other very dear friends, Pips and Kirsten who I camper vanned around Europe with in 1995!

It was a lovely evening and so great to catch up on everyone's news again ...

Gail & Jon

Owen, Juliet & Alison

Kirst & Pips

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good Bye Sydney : 1 July 2007

Tonight was my last night in Sydney and I spent it at St Matts with all of my favourite people. After church, a bunch of us went to The Last Train to Bombay which is my favourite restaurant in Manly and we had a final "last supper" together which was really lovely! Here are some memories from the night ...

Andy & Jim

Alison & Andy

Martin & Caroline

Mark & Karen

Bevan, Jono & Raph

Emma & Bevan

Amanda & Steph

The bunch of us together ...