Noosh Time

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday, 5 August 2007 : Angels & Miracles

On my flight from Joburg to Frankfurt, I was privileged to have only one man in the row with me and since I was on the window, we had a spare seat between us and therefore we only had each other as company.

However, this man was no ordinary man ... his name was Johan, a brother in Christ and an amazing man of God and he was like an Angel to me! His testimony of how God touched his life and is in the process of healing him from cancer was nothing short of miraculous. He told me how a stranger walked up to him one day whilst he was in between doctor's appointments, introduced himself as "Michael" and told him the following:

"Hi, my name is Michael and I want you to know that I have never done this before. I apologise but I overheard some of your conversation and while you were talking, the Lord told me to turn around, go over to that man and tell him that he is cured! God Bless You!"

At the time, Johan had been on the phone to his mum telling her that things were not looking good and that the cancer was deteriorating. What was even more amazing was that when Johan went to find this man named Michael, he was no where to be seen or found. Johan's mum believes he was an Angel and Johan has never seen him since.

What is even more miraculous and amazing is that following that day, Johan's blood count has continued to decrease at every check up and his doctor's believe it is miraculous that he is now in complete remission. His testimony was so uplifting and inspiring and really encouraged me that God is the God of all healing and that he knows our life intimately and meets us at our point of need and that he can use complete strangers or perhaps angels to touch our lives.

I am reminded of Hebrews 13:2 - "Don't forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

Praise God - He is the God of Wonders, Miracles, Healing and Angels sent from Heaven Above!


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