Noosh Time

Friday, October 31, 2008

Boholte Confirmation Class Weekend : Egerup : 24-26 Oct 08

This past weekend, I led a Challenge team of 8 others on a Confirmation Class weekend for my partner church, Boholte Sogn church. The team consisted of (L-R) Sung Chul (South Korea), Sigrid (Mexico), Laura (Finland), So Hee (South Korea), Endre (Norway), Sidorela (Albania), Becca (USA), BK (India) and Me.

It was, without doubt, a huge CHALLENGE!! Some of the kids were quite open about being atheist and not believing in God at all ... ?? Much prayer is needed for these kids who come to Confirmation Classes for all the wrong reasons ... they get presents and money from family and friends and don't really come because they want to know about Jesus or God.

All in all, we had good opportunities to connect with some of them and to share our lives with them ... and plant a few seeds along the way which I hope and pray that God will water and grow.

Here are some photos of the weekend ...

Laura, Me & Becca

Me being very excited to wear my sunnies because it meant that the sun was actually shining!!

Laura & So Hee ... on a country walk with me

The crew (minus Sung Chul) - Becca, Endre, Laura, Sidorela, So Hee, Sigrid, BK and me

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mum & Dad Visit The Logos Hope : 8 Oct 08 -11 Oct 08

Mum and Dad arrived on Wednesday night and spent 3 nights on board the Logos Hope. We had a wonderful time together - chatting up a storm till the wee hours and catching up on our lives ... there was much to tell! It was also very special for me to be able to show them around the Logos Hope and to introduce them to many of my friends. They treated Celina, Marsha and I to a night out which was delicious and a real treat! I spent a day walking around Koge and a day walking around Copenhagen with Mum & Dad and we just had a great time together ... Praise God the weather was good on every day too as I was expecting rain and cold weather but it was sunny with blue skies for the most part so that was awesome! It was sad to say Goodbye to them as I have no idea when we will see each other again ... but I'm blessed by God for such wonderful parents!!