Noosh Time

Monday, August 29, 2005

Life is for Love

I was thinking the other day about how much Jesus loves us ... he loves us so much that he was willing to sacrafice his life for our sake. That really sat deep with me for a long time because I have often found it very hard to love myself and yet, here was a man who loved me despite all my shortfalls and it really made me think, if Jesus can love me that much, I should at least try to love myself just a little. Self-love for some is really easy and doesn't take much effort ... self-love for me has come at a big price but I'm learning slowly and recently, I have felt convicted by something that I've heard at least twice in the last few weeks ... nothing I do, can make God love me any less .... NOTHING I do, can make God love me any less ... how awesome is that?

Last weekend, I went up to Katoomba with a bunch of good friends for the Reach Out conference to focus on mission in the world. I was so impacted by the people that I met who really have a heart to share Jesus with people from all nations and their stories were inspiring and challenging to the core. Some of the pearls of Godly wisdom that the key speaker, Sunny Philip, said, really made me pause and think ... he said "Say Yes to God, even if you don't understand or know how it is going to happen because I (meaning himself) know a God who is able to make it happen" and "When you come to God, you must come to God in faith and walk in faith" and "Our significance comes from what we let go, and not what we hold on to". So true ...

I am currently doing Part 2 of the "Perspectives Course". I believe that "Perspectives" is a foundational course that will prepare any committed Christian for mission through vital teaching on the history and purpose of God's mission plan, negotiating cross-cultural and language barriers and providing practical tools to effectively take the gospel to the world. Perspectives will open your eyes, strengthen your faith, soften your heart and set your feet firmly in God's word according to his will for you to respond and participate actively in world evangelisation. It opened my eyes to the Great Commission and has given me a world vision beyond my expectations. I fully recommend that anyone who is remotely interested in obeying God's word will invest the time and energy into completing this life changing course.

God Bless you wherever you may be when you read this !

But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. (1 John 2:5)


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