Noosh Time

Saturday, January 13, 2007

MCC - Weekend Break : Saturday, 13 January 2007

I can't believe that one week has already been completed in the course and we are now enjoying a relaxing break over the weekend. I have learnt many interesting, challenging and helpful things regarding "Member Care" which I believe will be a very good preparation base for things to come. The weather has continued to be really warm with a cool breeze in the mornings but thankfully the heat has not been too unbearable.

We had some horrendous bush fires raging out of control in the southern regions of the Mt Lofty range which is only about 30kms from the base ... this was a bit scary as we could hear the drone of the fire as it raged out of control racing through the dry bushlands and scrub just over the hills. Jenna and I imagined that we may be evacuated in the wee hours but decided we would be ok to just throw a few things into our suitcases and make a dash for it down the hill in the car we have!

Last night about 11 of us went back to the markets in the city centre and had a meal together and did some shopping. I was amazed by the variety of specialty food stores and the place was buzzing with people and activity as most people relaxed after what appeared to be a long week at work following the New Year and Christmas breaks judging by their demeanour!

The base is quieter over the weekend as most locals go back to their own homes or to friends for the weekend which gives us who remain here more space and time to relax and just soak up some well deserved rest! I feel like I'm on a bit of a brain overload and I think that the whole change of lifestyle is catching up with me! I feel quite weird when I think about work because it almost feels like I'm on a holiday and it is taking some time to sink in that I will not be going back to the office to work ever again ... quite surreal really!? I've been feeling mentally tired from the lectures even though I'm really interested and keen to know and learn more about the subjects we are being taught. It is also the change of pace and the change of living environment that has meant numerous adjustments to how I think about things. All in all, however, I am finding it really cool to be hanging out with some older folk and some younger folk who I can draw wisdom from and I love their stories and testimonies regarding answered prayers and miraculous God moments ... these are most fun and encouraging to hear! It reminds me of how amazing God is in creating each of us so unique with different experiences and different lives based on the choices we make and don't make.

I am currently reading a great book and I wanted to share this excerpt from pg 26-27:

"Many things have blinded our eyes; a multitude of theological distinctions and religious traditions have made a dichotomy between the doctrines of God and an intimate relationship with him. But there is hope wherever Christians are hungering for God. This is the only cause that ultimately counts, the only link that will not be bent and broken by the ignorance and selfishness of men. Our real link is not with any organisation, but with the living God. As we humble ourselves at the cross, we shall learn the reality of Jesus' power that conquered sin and death. We will receive the promise: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6)"

What a great encouragement to end this entry on ... blessings to you and may you hunger and thirst for righteousness and be filled.


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