Noosh Time

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Noosh News : February 07

Dear Friend

Imagine seeing God's undeniable hand at work directly in your own life and knowing that He has everything under his control…

February 2007 has been an exciting month for me. I arrived back from Adelaide and had six days to rest and catch up with friends before I flew to Melbourne on Friday, 9th to attend the Global Action Orientation ("GAO") week.

I stayed with my school friend, Lyn in the heart of St Kilda, which was fabulous fun! Lyn took me up the Mornington Peninsula to a beautiful winery called "Red Hill Estate" and we visited her sister Kerryn, Rowan and her adorable niece, Tara. The next day, we walked around the annual St Kilda festival - lots of bands, activities and much festivity to enjoy!

GAO started on the Monday at the OM Head Office. Negotiating Melbourne traffic in Lyn's brand new car was scary enough, not to mention having to dodge those tricky trams!! Thankfully, I travelled safely throughout the week and had a great time at GAO! Every morning began with devotions from different speakers and they really focused our attention on God. My favourite devotion was on Spiritual Warfare with the following main points:

* Mission must be undertaken in God's strength & power
* We ignore God's spiritual protection at our own peril
* Spiritual forces can only be engaged with spiritual weapons and repelled with spiritual protection
* Our most dangerous enemies are those we can't see and those we don't know
* The best form of spiritual protection against spiritual attack is to live a life closely connected to God

All the other sessions were highly informative and it was really interesting to learn more about how everything operates nationally and internationally. I was really impressed with the comprehensive training we received and the useful tools we were provided with to assist us in progressing our vision and mission. It was also great to meet the staff at Head Office and other people who are considering different mission opportunities.

I really love God's sense of humour and the way that he is teaching me to trust him 100% for everything in my life. He knew that one of my biggest fears regarding becoming a missionary was that my financial situation would be sorted out. So when I discovered that things were not quite what they seemed in relation to undertaking work at the NSW Office, I suffered my first minor miscarriage of vision and was suddenly left with the dilemma of having to find paid work until I left for the ship. I remained calm and collected despite some initial stress and prayed up a storm to God for guidance, direction and assistance!

On my return to Sydney, I made a decision that on approval of my application, I would join the Ship in August this year instead of Jan 08. I plan to leave on 2 July to visit my family in South Africa and spend two weeks in the UK. If my place on the Ship is confirmed, I will go to the Global Orientation ("GO") Conference in The Netherlands, before joining the ship.

These decisions meant that I had to find paid work for four months in the interim and this is when God stepped in. On the Monday after I got back, I sent an email to three friends asking if they knew of any short-term contract opportunities. Every advert in the recruitment websites was asking for a minimum of six months. However, one additional email, a phone call and one interview later, I had secured a four month contract working in rehab with flexible hours and time frames and at a rate of pay equivalent to my GIO job!! I start work on Monday, 5 March. Again, I was reminded that God is in control of everything!!

Brenda, the leader of the MCC in Adelaide stayed for 2 nights and we went into the city to see the spectacle of the Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth 2 passing each other in the harbour. It was quite incredible to be part of such an historical moment and I got really excited about seeing such majestic ships. We also caught up with Sandra and Rhyne, other MCC members, and had a great time!

God has been so good to me in bringing me to my knees in dependence upon Him for everything, particularly in the area of my finances. I praise God for everyone that has pledged to support me and partner with me in this exciting journey of faith, trials, obedience and trust.

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. (Philemon 1:4-6)

Praise & Prayer Focus

Please take a minute of your time to lift up these praise & prayer points on my behalf. Thank you for your prayers!

* Praise God for his goodness, for his efforts in daily refining my character and for securing this 4-month contract to provide for my financial needs whilst I am in Sydney

* Praise God that GAO was informative and a confirmation of where He wants me to serve

* Praise God for Kirsten who has offered to be my Financial Manager and has helped me with my budget!

* Pray that God will continue to raise up committed prayer supporters and people to serve as part of my sending cell

* Pray that I will find the right storage options for all my stuff and that I will be focused, organised and diligent as I prepare to pack up my life's belongings for 2 years.

* Pray that God will continue to speak to the hearts of people who are willing to provide financial support as His Spirit leads them and that I will be humble in accepting their pledges

Food For The Soul

2 Corinthians 8:3-5 - Sacrificial Giving

Proverbs 30:8 - Balanced Measure of Daily Bread

2 Peter 1:3-11 - Making One's Calling & Election Sure

Financial & Prayerful Support

If you are interested in partnering with me either financially or prayerfully, my prayer cards are in the process of being printed and will hopefully be available very soon. I would love to send you a copy to put on your fridge as a reminder to pray for me.

I thank God that He has been clearly working in my life and I pray that you will be encouraged and challenged to seek to know Him more.

God Bless You

Vanoosh :o)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Two Queens and a Beautiful Harbour Rendevous : Tuesday, 20 Feb 07

Well today was an historical day when the Queen Mary 2 and the Queen Elizabeth 2 were in Sydney Harbour together for the first time since back in World War 2. They are both spectacularly beautiful and majestic ships and so along with my South African friend Brenda, we jumped on the Manly ferry at 6.00pm amongst the jostling crowds and one particularly rude man who pushed and shoved me so much so that I had to actually fight him back just to stand on my feet ... it was horrible and quite ridiculous! Nonetheless, while we were on the ferry, we were privileged to see the 2 Queen's passing one another in Sydney Harbour which was a real treat! There were smaller craft everywhere and everyone had turned out to see the sight ... there were so many people in Circular Quay and around the harbour foreshore, it was like New Year's Eve all over again.

We watched the QE2 berth at Circular Quay ...

Then we legged it across the Botanical Gardens to catch sight of her sister, the QM2 which is ENORMOUS!! She is 23 storey's high and as long as the Sydney Harbour bridge (about 4 city blocks) and really dwarfed most things that ventured near her both in the water and on the land. In our dash to beat the fading light, we had a chat with a German couple who were actually passengers on the QM2 - they were next to us at one of the many bottle neck points at the gates in/out of the Botanical Gardens ... we feared that they may not make it back on board in time as they still had a long way to walk and it was already 8.30pm by this stage ... but then we figured that if they can afford to live on the QM2 for 40 days at a cool price tag of $4,000/night or something along those lines, they would probably be able to afford an air ticket to the next destination if they missed the boarding.

What a fun night ... it was like a New Year's Eve party with thousands of people everywhere and fireworks and festivities!! By the time we got back on the ferry, we were exhausted ...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global Action Orientation : 12-17 Feb 07

Well I've been in Melbourne for nearly a week and it's been fantastic fun to see my good school friend Lyn who I'm staying with! We had a great weekend together catching up on old times, laughing over good memories and sharing about where we are at now! On Saturday, Lyn drove me up the Mornington Peninsula which was beautiful and something I had not seen before! She took me to a stunning vineyard called "Red Hill Estate" where she treated me to a fantastic gourmet lunch! It was spectacular!

We then dropped in to see her sister Kerryn with her husband Rowan and their gorgeous little bub, Tara who was too sweet - full of smiles and just adorable!! We spent the afternoon watching a game of local cricket over their back yard fence and then had dinner together which was really lovely!

On Sunday, it was the annual St Kilda Festival which was very festive, fun and full of laughs, people and good times! We met up with Lyn's friends Karen, Simon, Jo and James for a bite before heading off to watch a few bands, check out the thrilling wake boarders, do a bit of celebrity spotting ... and so much more! It was a very hot and glorious day so we ended up back at Karen & Simon's apartment which overlooks the whole event ... we had a BBQ and spent the afternoon and evening soaking in the party atmosphere and having a great time!

On Monday, I had to negotiate Melbourne peak morning traffic for the hour it took me to get to the orientation! Thankfully, I made it safely and I've spent the week drinking in as much information as I possibly can about all I need to know about the Ship ministry, where, when and how I can serve! I am so excited about what the future holds ... it's so close, it's tangible.

Obviously, life would not be what it is without some challenges along the way and God's word tells us that it's not "if" trials will come, but "when" ... and I have to say is that I have been challenged in more ways than one! All in all, my end goal remains to join the Ships ... and possibly sooner than I was expecting which is exciting!

I am looking forward to being back in Sydney to take a breathe and review where my journey has taken me in these past 6 weeks ... God is so faithful and so good and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share my vision and my experiences with you. God Bless you wherever you may be!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Tara ... Lyn's Niece

Lynnie's little niece Tara is just adorable ... here are some snaps of her having fun ...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Maybe God CAN Use YOU!

Noah got drunk ...
Moses had a stuttering problem ...
Gideon was afraid ...
Sampson had long hair and was a womaniser ...
Rahab was a prostitute ...
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young ...
David had an affair and was a murderer ...
Peter denied Christ ...
Elijah was suicidal ...
Isaiah preached naked ...
Jonah ran from God ...
Naomi was a widow ...
Job went bankrupt ...
John The Baptist ate bugs ...
The Disciples fell asleep while praying ...
Martha worried about everything ...
Mary Magdalene was, well, you know ...
The Samaritan woman was divorced ... (more than once)
Zaccheus was too small ...
Paul was too religious ...
Timothy had an ulcer ...
Lazarus was dead!
The Donkey at Balaam ...

... no more excuses now ... God is waiting to use you to your full potential! (Besides, you are not the message, you are just the messenger!)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Love Feast Poem : 1 February 2007

Rhyne, Nan, Christina and I with help from Sydney acted out the following poem as a tribute to each person on the course who brought something unique to share ... and it was also a tribute to the leaders of the course, Brenda, Chris, Ruddy, Christina and others as well as the staff at the Adelaide YWAM base who hosted us with great hospitality.

A few weeks ago
We really didn't know
What this Member Care course had in store
And how we would grow to learn more and more

But as time has passed
We've had a real BLAST
So tonight we will share
Our journey of Member Care

Brenda was our Leader, a busy little bee
She imparted wisdom, knowledge and finesse
And she uniquely managed her stress
By "stealing" fruit and chasing koalas up the tree!

Chris was our co-leader with many a story to tell
Of re-entry, confrontation and singleness in life
But thank God for him, he eventually fell
In love with Gina, and made her his wife!

Christina & Ruddy are a formidable pair
Full of laughter and jokes and fun
With lots of experience in MKs and family welfare
And Sydney provided lots of smiles and moments of sun!

Kevin played a tune or two
To make our worship times so special and sweet
And we all had a room with a view
Into each other's hearts when with God we did meet

Peter and Sue celebrated their marriage anniversary with us
Nan took her intercessory warrior stand
Dan was the cool man with not much fuss
And Sandra Lee was the song bird singer in Ruddy's band

Jenna was the pro on selection and screening
Gloria kept the tea and coffee refreshed and hot
Vanoosh gave her new life new meaning
And Shirley shared her experiences on Gambia and her contingency plot - NOT!

Viv was a gem who brought so much love
While Bek & Ros brought wisdom of YWAM ways
Josie reminded us of the wonderful Counsellor from above
And Pat was the inspiration for weekend Pyjama days

Rhyne was the quite achiever and everyone's friend
And the Holy Spirit carried us to the course end
We learnt so muhc, we passed the tests
We believe that MCC Adelaide 07 was the best!

To the YWAM base, we thank God for you all
For the comfy stay, great fellowship and meals
We have all had an absolute ball
In the gardens, at the markets and in tours on YWAM wheels

May God bless your work, your life and your home
And may He provide for you wherever you roam
For now it's time to say farewell
We will forget you never
May God's glory in your lives continue to dwell
Because this time and these friendships will be ones to remember forever

All in all, the course was terrific and the YWAM base was sublime
Our knowledge and experiences will go far and wide if we dare
Because our Great God through us all will shine
His light to missionaries who deserve GREAT MEMBER CARE!!

Love Feast : 1 February 2007

Our last night together was a festive celebration called the "Love Feast" where we all got together to share a meal and to thank God for each other and for the wonderful things that we had learned and the friendships we had formed. With invited guests, family and friends, there were approximately 100 people at the feast which was terrific!! As part of our farewell, we had to do a little skit in our small groups to depict something of what we had learned and my little group acted out a poem which I wrote ... it was a blast of fun!!

Karen & Carrie

Viv and Rick

Sandra, Rhyne, Rick, Viv & Brenda

Gloria, Pat, Kev and Nan with her son (sitting)

Ros & Friend

Jenna & Me

Fiona, Shirley, Bek's mum, Bek and Friend

Ruddy and Christina

The Boys ... Dan and Damien with a Friend

Jenna & Dan ... in skit mode