Noosh Time

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global Action Orientation : 12-17 Feb 07

Well I've been in Melbourne for nearly a week and it's been fantastic fun to see my good school friend Lyn who I'm staying with! We had a great weekend together catching up on old times, laughing over good memories and sharing about where we are at now! On Saturday, Lyn drove me up the Mornington Peninsula which was beautiful and something I had not seen before! She took me to a stunning vineyard called "Red Hill Estate" where she treated me to a fantastic gourmet lunch! It was spectacular!

We then dropped in to see her sister Kerryn with her husband Rowan and their gorgeous little bub, Tara who was too sweet - full of smiles and just adorable!! We spent the afternoon watching a game of local cricket over their back yard fence and then had dinner together which was really lovely!

On Sunday, it was the annual St Kilda Festival which was very festive, fun and full of laughs, people and good times! We met up with Lyn's friends Karen, Simon, Jo and James for a bite before heading off to watch a few bands, check out the thrilling wake boarders, do a bit of celebrity spotting ... and so much more! It was a very hot and glorious day so we ended up back at Karen & Simon's apartment which overlooks the whole event ... we had a BBQ and spent the afternoon and evening soaking in the party atmosphere and having a great time!

On Monday, I had to negotiate Melbourne peak morning traffic for the hour it took me to get to the orientation! Thankfully, I made it safely and I've spent the week drinking in as much information as I possibly can about all I need to know about the Ship ministry, where, when and how I can serve! I am so excited about what the future holds ... it's so close, it's tangible.

Obviously, life would not be what it is without some challenges along the way and God's word tells us that it's not "if" trials will come, but "when" ... and I have to say is that I have been challenged in more ways than one! All in all, my end goal remains to join the Ships ... and possibly sooner than I was expecting which is exciting!

I am looking forward to being back in Sydney to take a breathe and review where my journey has taken me in these past 6 weeks ... God is so faithful and so good and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share my vision and my experiences with you. God Bless you wherever you may be!


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