Noosh Time

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Two Queens and a Beautiful Harbour Rendevous : Tuesday, 20 Feb 07

Well today was an historical day when the Queen Mary 2 and the Queen Elizabeth 2 were in Sydney Harbour together for the first time since back in World War 2. They are both spectacularly beautiful and majestic ships and so along with my South African friend Brenda, we jumped on the Manly ferry at 6.00pm amongst the jostling crowds and one particularly rude man who pushed and shoved me so much so that I had to actually fight him back just to stand on my feet ... it was horrible and quite ridiculous! Nonetheless, while we were on the ferry, we were privileged to see the 2 Queen's passing one another in Sydney Harbour which was a real treat! There were smaller craft everywhere and everyone had turned out to see the sight ... there were so many people in Circular Quay and around the harbour foreshore, it was like New Year's Eve all over again.

We watched the QE2 berth at Circular Quay ...

Then we legged it across the Botanical Gardens to catch sight of her sister, the QM2 which is ENORMOUS!! She is 23 storey's high and as long as the Sydney Harbour bridge (about 4 city blocks) and really dwarfed most things that ventured near her both in the water and on the land. In our dash to beat the fading light, we had a chat with a German couple who were actually passengers on the QM2 - they were next to us at one of the many bottle neck points at the gates in/out of the Botanical Gardens ... we feared that they may not make it back on board in time as they still had a long way to walk and it was already 8.30pm by this stage ... but then we figured that if they can afford to live on the QM2 for 40 days at a cool price tag of $4,000/night or something along those lines, they would probably be able to afford an air ticket to the next destination if they missed the boarding.

What a fun night ... it was like a New Year's Eve party with thousands of people everywhere and fireworks and festivities!! By the time we got back on the ferry, we were exhausted ...


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