Noosh Time

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fundraising Dinner : Saturday, 31 March 2007

On Saturday, 31 Mar 07, Helen hosted a fundraising dinner for me which was a lot of fun! Along with 10 friends, we had a delicious dinner and enjoyed some fun time chatting by candlelight as we were also celebrating "Earth Hour".

Earth Hour involved turning off all electrical lights for 1 hour from 7.30pm to 8.30pm but we decided to maintain the candlelight which was lovely! Here are some memories of a fun night ... and a BIG THANKS to Helen for organising and delivering such a great meal!!

Sarah, Kristan & Bevan

Rach, Jono & Amy

Katie, Gerard, Amy, Jules & Helen

Katie & Gerard

Dinner ... a fun night!

Noosh News : March 07

Dear Friend


On 9 Mar 07, I received confirmation that my application had officially been accepted to join the Ship LH. I was beside myself with excitement as this completed the final step in the application process and the reality of my mission is now tangibly within my grasp. I felt a deep sense of peace and contentment that daily, my life is being aligned with God's will and being obedient to His call has been one of the most amazing opportunities to draw close to God. I also feel affirmed that this is the right thing for me, at the right time and in the right way, and I've come to realise that God really does know what is best for me. If I allow Him the freedom and the control to work for my good, anything, and I mean anything, is possible!

March has been a really busy month and the weeks and days seem to have ticked over quicker than I could imagine ... with exactly 13 weeks to go before I leave, my finger is hovering over the minor panic button as I prepare to pack up my life and organise everything. My travel plans are now locked in as follows:
• Monday, 2 Jul 07: Fly to South Africa for 5 weeks
• Sunday, 5 Aug 07: Fly to London for 2 weeks
• Monday, 20 Aug 07: Fly/Train to The Netherlands for the Global Orientation ("GO") Conference for 2 weeks
• Saturday, 1 Sep 07 I go to pre-ship training, then board the LH

The most exciting event for me this month was my Commissioning Service which was held on Sunday, 25 Mar 07 at St Matthews, Manly. Despite the cold, wet weather, it was a really special day attended by 50 or so of my close friends. I was so privileged to have Jan, International Recruiter from The Netherlands as the key guest speaker! He was entertaining, funny, absolutely challenging and really inspiring. Everyone is still talking about the impact and impression he had on them. I felt incredibly blessed to have the love and support of my church family and being prayed over by everyone was very moving. Afterwards, we had a festive and scrumptious BBQ feast and enjoyed great fellowship together.

Thank You! I want to thank each and every one of my amazing friends who contributed in their own unique ways because without them, this event would not have been so memorable and I definitely would not have had so much fun!

Colour Conference

In mid-March, I attended the Hillsong Women's Colour Conference, which was phenomenal. Worshipping God with 17,000 other women is indescribable! The guest speakers were also excellent - J John really spoke to my heart. ( He showed me that when we pray, coincidences happen and we have HUGE potential because we have access to God's power within us. He also illustrated partnership in the form of a snowflake, which on it's own will melt within minutes of falling to the ground, but which together with hundreds and thousands of other snowflakes, can bring the world's largest cities around the world to a standstill. Partnership is fundamental to mission and I am more aware than ever how important your partnership is to me.

Finance Update

I am still in awe of how God is working to provide for my every need. As always, God is faithful to His promises and yet I continue to be surprised when amazing gifts are given, but all the glory goes to God. To date, we have raised just over $2,500 in one off gifts, which is just so overwhelming! These generous contributions have fully covered my "GO" Conference ticket and transport costs from the conference to the ship. In addition, this money will also cover travel costs to get to Europe from the UK. My parents have also generously paid for my air ticket to South Africa and Europe, which is amazing. However, in relation to ongoing support, I still need to find partners who are willing and able to commit and pledge their support on a monthly basis. Many people have asked me what my requirements are, so I hope you don't mind if I make these needs known here. I am also happy to discuss this in person with anyone who wants further information. My total budget requirement is approx. $1,750.00 per month (approx. $450/week). So, in relation to the pledges I have received to date, and from our calculations, I require either:
12 people to commit $100 per month ($25/week) OR
24 people to commit $50 per month ($12.50/week).

Alternatively, you can pledge to commit a monthly amount or a Once Off gift, as you feel led to give in relation to your ability.

Other examples of practical support for me include a couple of friends offering me the opportunity to store some boxes in their garage and under their house which is a fabulous support, as it means that my storage costs will be decreased, and I can now budget for a smaller size storage container space. Another great initiative was the organization of a fundraising dinner hosted by Helen with 10 other friends at her home. We had a great night and also celebrated "Earth Hour" which involved everyone in Sydney turning off all electrical lights for an hour, so we spent the evening in candlelight as a reminder of our concern and care for our world and the environment … and it was fun!

Work & Other News

I have been working as a Rehabilitation Consultant since 5 Mar 07 and it's been interesting and somewhat challenging to be tackling workers compensation from the other side of the fence again! The people I work with are all really lovely and, for the most part, I'm enjoying the challenge but I'm so pleased to daily remind myself that this is not my long term career and I'm counting down to my last day - Friday, 22 Jun 07!

Other events this month have included having my cousins Paul and Alison to stay for a brief weekend visit. It was great to have family visiting and to be able to share our beautiful city with them and show them our stunning beaches and coastline.

Praise & Prayer Focus

I am very committed to praying about my mission and having prayer partners is vital to keeping me "afloat" literally and figuratively speaking! I am so excited that my Prayer Cards have arrived so if you don’t yet have one, please let me know and I will get one to you. In addition, please take a minute of your time to lift up these praise & prayer points on my behalf. Thank you for your prayers!

* Praise God for giving me confirmation and affirmation that His will is being done in my life

* Praise God that the Commissioning Service was so special, that Jan was able to speak to us and for the support and care of my church family

* Praise God for the generosity of so many people in contributing financially and prayerfully to my mission

* Pray that God will continue to raise up committed prayer and financial supporters

* Pray that my role on board the LH will be rewarding and fulfilling and that I will be able to utilise my God given gifts, skills and abilities to glorify God and to help and serve others

* Pray that my upcoming travel will be stress and hassle free especially with deciding what I can and cannot take with me

* Pray for the accommodation on board the ship and for the roommate(s) that I will be sharing with. Please pray that we will become close friends who live well together and are tolerant, considerate and respectful of each other's differences and unique cultural backgrounds

Food For The Soul

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus - the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God" (Acts 20:24)

This verse in my prayer card is very special to me because it was actually prophesied into my life about 4 years ago. Stephen Lungu, a Zimbabwean ex-terrorist and guerrilla came to St Matts in 2003 and gave his testimony. Abandoned at a very young age, he lived under a bridge and had no education. Taken in by rebels, he became a guerilla fighter and was responsible for murders and violence. One day, along with his comrades, he had planned to bomb a Christian gathering in Harare, but in the process, he was powerfully transformed by God's love and convicted of his sin. He now speaks 10 languages, promotes the Christian organization called "African Enterprise" and travels the world. He spends his life sharing the gospel with hundreds of thousands of people in many countries and cultures.

He wrote the verse above as part of his autograph in his book "Out of the Black Shadows", which I purchased that night. I remember him telling me that I would live out that verse one day. What blew me away was that I had completely forgotten about this prophecy until I was in Melbourne trying to figure out what verse to include in my prayer card. I picked up a random postcard on a bookshelf and as I read that exact verse, I was reminded there and then of the moment that Stephen Lungu had written that verse in my book … and I knew that this verse was the one that was meant for my prayer card … it defined my mission and I believe it is anointed by God through prophecy in my life!

God is truly mysterious and amazing …

May you have a God-inspired and a Spirit-filled month wherever you may be and wherever God may lead you!

Blessings in Christ

Vanoosh :o)

ps. I'm updating my "snail mail" address book so please send me your details so I'm up to speed on any changes and check my BLOG for more photos and news throughout the month at your leisure

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Commissioning Service : Sunday, 25 March 2007

Today, Sunday, 25 March 2007 at 12.30pm, St Matthews held a special Commissioning Service for me to bless me, to pray for me and to send me out with their support, love and care!! Over 50 people braved the cold, wet weather to join me for the service which was very special to me and very moving!! I cannot describe what a blessing it is to know that I have the love and support of my church family on this life-changing journey ... it's special beyond words!

We sang two of my most treasured songs - "Worthy is the Lamb" and "For Me to Live is Christ", then we watched a very challenging DVD called "Global Village". Richard Harvey, our Senior Minister then welcomed everyone and Jenna Richard, OM NSW State Director then gave us some of the history of OM.

This was followed by a fantastically witty, challenging, inspiring and brilliant message from a very special guest speaker from The Netherlands, Jan Den Ouden who is the OM International Recruiter. He was just amazing and his approach to God and life was so inspiring!

After Jan had finished, we listened to a very special song from a DVD by MercyMe called "Here Am I" ... it is a missionary song about asking God to "Send Me" and then I gave a brief testimony as to why I have reached this major turning point in my life.

After that we had the Commissioning Vows and the everyone laid hands on me and Michael prayed for me which was just awesome!!

The BBQ then kicked off and we had some more fun chatting and socialising!! Here are some of the memories of a great day!

Me, Cassie & Todd

Dixie & Sarah

Me, Barbara (my Mentor) and Richard

Jim and Jan

Me & The Boys ... Kose (L), Callum (R) & Mark in front

Mia with her beautiful seeds and Ben, our sound guru!

Warren and Michael ... ??

Me, Caroline & Martin

The BBQ Crew - Thijs, Jono, Stephy & Nats

Jan and Henke

Mands and Raph

Stella ... Carrie & Warren's gorgeous little Angel

Carrie, Sozon & Michael

Amy, Esmarie and Bevan

Sarah, Pete & Leila

Jo and Ing

Cathy and Maggie

Mands and Mands ... two peas in a pod!!

Talita and Kirsten

Rach, Jenna and Karen with my elephant piggy bank!

Richard & Sandra

Kaz and the elusive "Nooshka OM Fund" elephant!

Friday, March 23, 2007


For those that know Brad (but even if you don't!), he is a very dear friend of mine and I would really appreciate it if you could please pray for him URGENTLY ... as you may or may not know, Brad suffered a shocking 25m fall off a cliff late last year in October 2006 and broke his left leg in 5 places! It was a miracle that he survived the fall, let alone coming out of it with nothing more than 1 broken leg, some bruises and grazes!! He was considered to be extremely fortunate ... God was watching over him!!

He has been on a slow but progressive path to full recovery and has been walking with a cane for support after he was able to give up his crutches. However, in the last week or so, Brad has been suffering from severe back pain and pain in his "good" right leg ... he has since discovered that he has a problem with a bulging disc in his spine which may require surgery. This is as a result of him favouring his right leg while his broken left leg continues to heal slowly, which has now impinged on his spine!

Please pray for the following:

** A full healing in his left leg including full healing of any blood clotting
** A full healing in his spine and removal of all pain so that he can have good sleep and rest
** Good responses to all the treatment he is receiving
** Patience and peace regarding why this is happening and the frustrations he is experiencing
** A good outcome with the Specialist appointment on Monday

Praise God for:

** His Brother Rod and His Mum & Dad for all their efforts in helping him
** That he remains in fairly high spirits despite all these set backs


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hillsong Womens' Colour Conference : 15-17 March 2007

What an absolutely fantastic Colour Conference ... it was held in the Acer Arena, Homebush for the first time ever and there were over 17,000 women there!! Phenomenal ... the worship was ... well ... mind blowing really ... and the speakers were inspiring and challenging and funny!! We laughed, we cried, we worshiped, we prayed, we had great fellowship ... we even got pampered ... nails, massages, hair, makeup ... and we bought lots of great resources to help us more forward!

The main theme for 2007 was ... Imagine ... a REVOLUTION in Value!!

There was also a lot of LOVE going around ... Sister's, it is our time to unite ... for God and love the world into God's kingdom!

There was a big emphasis on "Sisterhood" this year where we could sponsor children through Compassion - over 1,100 kids were sponsored which was amazing and nearly 800 Boxes were filled for Operation Christmas Child to go to kids in Cambodia.

We were also challenged by the moving and emotionally charged documentary on the "Invisible Children" of Northern Uganda who have been caught up in the horrendous civil war and who are daily abducted by the "LRA" - Lord's Resistance Army who then turn them into child soldiers and ruthless killers! We heard from Marilyn Skinner, the founder of Watoto Children's Orphanage (see my previous entry about the Watoto Children's Choir who visited St Matts last year)


Colour Conference : Bobbie Houston

For those of you who were unable to attend this year, I want to share some key points from the conference which really made me feel inspired and challenged to keep my fire for God burning brightly! I also cannot encourage you enough girls ... go to Colour 2008 ... your life will be changed forever!!

Bobbie Houston is a really interesting character ... she's quirky, funny and a bit ditzy but she packs a powerful message in short sharp punches which hit the spot every time ... she is quite inspiring for her 50 years of age too! She told us that "Revolution = radical, complete and prevailing change". She also made 3 key points: (1) We need to know the hour of our visitation ie. we need to know our identity in the day and times in which we live. (2) We need to live as daughters of salvation - when we get God's revelation of who we truly are, breakthrough is achieved. (3) We need to live in the realm of our responsibility - knowing our purpose in God. When we respond with the ability we have, God will increase our ability to do more.

This is how radical, revolutionary change can be achieved!


Colour Conference 2007 : Key Note Speakers

J John was a fantastic speaker ... he was an evangelical version of Mr Bean ... hilarious ... but so brilliant too! God really spoke to my heart through his teaching ... here are some of the pearls of wisdom he imparted about evangelism ...

"Don't worry about what you don't know, get on with what you do know!

A lighthouse doesn't make any noise, but you can still see it - we need to visually communicate the gospel to the world ie. show God's love in a tangible way! If you're not an evangelist, you're a witness!

A missionary is not someone who crosses the sea, a missionary is someone who sees the cross!

I loved this next picture which Mother Theresa painted when she said ... "Every follower of Jesus Christ is a pencil in the hand of God, sending love letters to the world!"

Our job is to go into God's orchard and check which fruit is ripe, and when we find a ripe piece of fruit, we need to pick it but we must not pick it too early or too late because it may fall to the ground and become bad ...

Our greatest need in the whole world is forgiveness ... and that is why God sent his Son, our Saviour

The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart!

In addition, J John also talked about wanting 3 things from God: (1) God to reinforce what I already know and do. (2) God to remind me of what I should know and do. (3) God to reveal things that we don't know but need to do. We need to get God's purpose and not be like Christopher Columbus who, when he set out on his first voyage, had no idea of where he was going, when he got there he didn't know where he was, and when he returned, he didn't know where he had been!

Get God's perspective - No matter how lost or dirty or broken you think you are, you have not lost your value in God's eyes.

We need to PRAY ... we can't do it alone or in our own strength. When we pray, coincidences happen and we have HUGE potential. We need to be in Partnership ... if you think of a snowflake ... on it's own, it will melt within seconds of falling to the ground ... but together with thousands of other little snowflakes, it will stop traffic in the largest city in the world! We also need to Persevere and run the race in such a way that we keep the flame burning together. We only have enough time to do the Will of God, and if we don't have enough time, we are not doing the Will of God.

Charlotte Scanlin-Gambill also spoke this weekend with some powerful words of encouragement and challenge ... she took us on a journey regarding how God wants to give us gifts and He does this in the form of "flat packs", like you get at IKEA or any other furniture outlet these days, where you are required to put in a lot of hard work and effort with DIY to get to the actual piece of furniture you bought in the first place ... only God keeps throwing challenges out to us! Her 3 key points were: (1) Face your inadequacy and focus on your responsibility. (2) Take your rest. (3) Partnership is key.

Don't ask God to do what you can do, ask God to do what you can't do.

Later in the conference she told us about how to "Grow Up" in God where she explained that age is not the issue but how grown up you can be with God's word. She warned that we should be careful what we invite into our lives because we will be responsible for it and that we should make sure that we really, really, really, really want what we want because the price tag is expensive and costly to God and ultimately to ourselves.

Lisa Bevere was also an amazing woman who is after God's own heart. With only one functioning eye (she lost the other to cancer at an early age), she spoke with passion and powerful conviction ... enough to move us to tears and changes in our own lives! She told us that it is not about being perfect, it is about redeeming your mistakes. We were made to have no limits and to know the truth, so therefore fear, lies and doubt have no hold in our lives. You will never be powerful if you live a lie or try to be someone that you are not. Engrave God's word on your heart because He loves to face what you fear so that you can become fearless. Later, she continued her message which involved understanding that when you release what is in your hand, God releases what is in His hand. God is connecting people who are in the spirit and doing the Will of God.

Imagination = more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein)

Never use your strength against someone else's weakness, use it to build their strengths.

God is so Good!
