Noosh Time

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Colour Conference 2007 : Key Note Speakers

J John was a fantastic speaker ... he was an evangelical version of Mr Bean ... hilarious ... but so brilliant too! God really spoke to my heart through his teaching ... here are some of the pearls of wisdom he imparted about evangelism ...

"Don't worry about what you don't know, get on with what you do know!

A lighthouse doesn't make any noise, but you can still see it - we need to visually communicate the gospel to the world ie. show God's love in a tangible way! If you're not an evangelist, you're a witness!

A missionary is not someone who crosses the sea, a missionary is someone who sees the cross!

I loved this next picture which Mother Theresa painted when she said ... "Every follower of Jesus Christ is a pencil in the hand of God, sending love letters to the world!"

Our job is to go into God's orchard and check which fruit is ripe, and when we find a ripe piece of fruit, we need to pick it but we must not pick it too early or too late because it may fall to the ground and become bad ...

Our greatest need in the whole world is forgiveness ... and that is why God sent his Son, our Saviour

The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart!

In addition, J John also talked about wanting 3 things from God: (1) God to reinforce what I already know and do. (2) God to remind me of what I should know and do. (3) God to reveal things that we don't know but need to do. We need to get God's purpose and not be like Christopher Columbus who, when he set out on his first voyage, had no idea of where he was going, when he got there he didn't know where he was, and when he returned, he didn't know where he had been!

Get God's perspective - No matter how lost or dirty or broken you think you are, you have not lost your value in God's eyes.

We need to PRAY ... we can't do it alone or in our own strength. When we pray, coincidences happen and we have HUGE potential. We need to be in Partnership ... if you think of a snowflake ... on it's own, it will melt within seconds of falling to the ground ... but together with thousands of other little snowflakes, it will stop traffic in the largest city in the world! We also need to Persevere and run the race in such a way that we keep the flame burning together. We only have enough time to do the Will of God, and if we don't have enough time, we are not doing the Will of God.

Charlotte Scanlin-Gambill also spoke this weekend with some powerful words of encouragement and challenge ... she took us on a journey regarding how God wants to give us gifts and He does this in the form of "flat packs", like you get at IKEA or any other furniture outlet these days, where you are required to put in a lot of hard work and effort with DIY to get to the actual piece of furniture you bought in the first place ... only God keeps throwing challenges out to us! Her 3 key points were: (1) Face your inadequacy and focus on your responsibility. (2) Take your rest. (3) Partnership is key.

Don't ask God to do what you can do, ask God to do what you can't do.

Later in the conference she told us about how to "Grow Up" in God where she explained that age is not the issue but how grown up you can be with God's word. She warned that we should be careful what we invite into our lives because we will be responsible for it and that we should make sure that we really, really, really, really want what we want because the price tag is expensive and costly to God and ultimately to ourselves.

Lisa Bevere was also an amazing woman who is after God's own heart. With only one functioning eye (she lost the other to cancer at an early age), she spoke with passion and powerful conviction ... enough to move us to tears and changes in our own lives! She told us that it is not about being perfect, it is about redeeming your mistakes. We were made to have no limits and to know the truth, so therefore fear, lies and doubt have no hold in our lives. You will never be powerful if you live a lie or try to be someone that you are not. Engrave God's word on your heart because He loves to face what you fear so that you can become fearless. Later, she continued her message which involved understanding that when you release what is in your hand, God releases what is in His hand. God is connecting people who are in the spirit and doing the Will of God.

Imagination = more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein)

Never use your strength against someone else's weakness, use it to build their strengths.

God is so Good!



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