Noosh Time

Friday, March 23, 2007


For those that know Brad (but even if you don't!), he is a very dear friend of mine and I would really appreciate it if you could please pray for him URGENTLY ... as you may or may not know, Brad suffered a shocking 25m fall off a cliff late last year in October 2006 and broke his left leg in 5 places! It was a miracle that he survived the fall, let alone coming out of it with nothing more than 1 broken leg, some bruises and grazes!! He was considered to be extremely fortunate ... God was watching over him!!

He has been on a slow but progressive path to full recovery and has been walking with a cane for support after he was able to give up his crutches. However, in the last week or so, Brad has been suffering from severe back pain and pain in his "good" right leg ... he has since discovered that he has a problem with a bulging disc in his spine which may require surgery. This is as a result of him favouring his right leg while his broken left leg continues to heal slowly, which has now impinged on his spine!

Please pray for the following:

** A full healing in his left leg including full healing of any blood clotting
** A full healing in his spine and removal of all pain so that he can have good sleep and rest
** Good responses to all the treatment he is receiving
** Patience and peace regarding why this is happening and the frustrations he is experiencing
** A good outcome with the Specialist appointment on Monday

Praise God for:

** His Brother Rod and His Mum & Dad for all their efforts in helping him
** That he remains in fairly high spirits despite all these set backs



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