Noosh Time

Friday, June 20, 2008

Logos Hope : Dry Dock in Landskrona, Sweden - 30 May 08 to 22 Jun 08

The Logos Hope has now been in Landskrona, Sweden for nearly 3 weeks and we are currently sitting high and dry ... literally! I was so excited to be able to be on the ship going into my first dry dock - watching how they positioned the ship and then let all the water out and suddenly ... in a few short hours, we were no longer floating but sitting on some wooden blocks, high and dry!

A big hole was cut in the side of the ship (port side) and the new generator was lowered and installed yesterday and today, the hole was welded up again ... amazing how quickly it all went and so exciting for all of us as we have been praying and waiting for this moment and these events for some months now! Most of our land teams have returned home and so the ship is getting full again after only have about half the normal crew size for the past 2 weeks or so! We've enjoyed amazing sunsets at around 10.15pm every evening when the rain has not dampened things and it's been really interesting to be watching the Euro Cup Final soccer/football matches with such an international crew ... suddenly you see where true loyalties lie amongst the nations ... and the rivalry is sometimes surprisingly fierce!! Ahh ... so much fun to be on the Logos Hope ... but it's also very busy with work, work and work! The ship has been very dirty and dusty with lots of grinding, sanding, welding, painting and various other jobs being completed sometimes slowly but surely! I've been busy managing Project Worker applications and dealing with the delays that have occurred since we were supposed to be in Koege, Denmark on 16 Jun. The ship is now due to sail at around 13:00 on Sun, 22 Jun 08 so that is not far off now.

On the first day we were high and dry, I ventured down into the depths of the dry dock to take a look at the underbelly of my home!! It was absolutely amazing to think that I was standing underneath a 12,000 tonne ship and I was surprised at how clean she was generally speaking with only a few barnacles in places! It was so awesome to get a feel for her great size and the propellers are enormous!! It was also very cool to get a look at her shape and to see where the stabilizers come out and what the bow thruster really looks like which, for those who don't know, gives us the ability to do 360 turning and much more maneouverability.

Anyway, enjoy some photos from my recent experiences ...


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