Noosh Time

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Entry # 200 ... Milestones and Millstones

I can't believe that this is my 200th entry in my BLOG ... after over 10 years of blogging ... I finally made it to #200!!

On Sunday, 22 January 2012, Kaylah turned 1 year old ... I'm sure she probably won't live to be 200 but nonetheless, it is so exciting to see new life growing every day. She is like a giant, yet mini sponge - learning sounds to make mostly unintentionally spoken words, learning new skills such as crawling like a dog holding some inanimate object between her teeth and now, more recently, she's taken to holding two objects in one hand! I watch her in amazement at each new achievement and milestone being attained, grappled with, incorporated, learnt until it becomes second nature and then surpassed for the next "bigger and better" thing to be tried, tested and utilised in the journey of life! Amazing!

I find myself in awe of her ability, desire and natural instinct to learn and be taught! I questioned if I was still that keen to learn and be taught by God and others who are more learned than I and it caused me to pause and reflect on this for a long while. At what point in our lives, if ever, do we think we've got it, learnt all there is to learn about ourselves and think that we just know it all and have achieved it all whether it be status, significance, or just pure personal satisfaction?! I believe if we ever did think we have reached this point, it would be a sad day for us and those around us because, there is always more to learn, skills to be tried and tested, goals to yearn for, reach and surpass and someone who is able to teach us more about ourselves than we already know.

I hope I never get bored of learning new things about myself, about God and about the world ... I pray that I will constantly be surprised and never offended when, either directly or inadvertently, I discover inadequacies about myself that can be changed, flaws and rough edges that can be smoothed and rounded and sharp bits that can be chipped away to reveal a deeper, inner beauty that is pleasing and acceptable to God and those around me.

Let me never be held back or forced under by millstones that gather around my neck ... millstones that I have allowed others to place upon me or that I have unwittingly and sometimes knowingly placed around my own neck! If I permit these millstones to shadow or destroy the milestones I wish to achieve, life will grind to a halt, learning will cease to be exciting, motivating and challenging and the future will be mundane and predictable. Millstones are heavy and serve one main purpose which is to grind grain to a fine powder in order to be used as flour which is then recreated into bread and other delicious edible delights. Millstones serve a "destructive" purpose, therefore, if they are "hanging around our neck" and not encouraging or motivating us to change for something good, we are in danger of allowing them to simply weigh us down to our own detriment and potentially, our own self destruction.

Change is exciting ... scary no doubt, but worth the effort for the many different outcomes and possibilities that the process may bring. Just as Kaylah's world has changed so dramatically in 1 year, her transformation from being a dependent infant who couldn't do a thing for herself to holding two objects in one hand, babbling joyful sounds and jigging up and down doing her own little belly dance, have shown me that my world can and should continue to change too! My desire this year, 2012 is to draw closer to knowing God through learning, reading, teaching, being taught, grappling with His word, expecting to sense His presence through the power of the Holy Spirit, praying with confidence that He hears my murmurs and altogether being an obedient servant and vessel for His glory!

If nothing else, my milestones will not be hindered by my millstones!

This photo somehow reminded me that I put "millstones" around my neck like I wrap a scarf around my neck from time to time ... it serves a purpose but I don't need it to be there permanently thank goodness!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fleeting Creativity vs Everlasting Artistic Genius

Do you ever have moments where you experience a side of yourself that doesn't often get a chance to be seen or heard? In my case, I sometimes do little projects that make me feel creative and artistic when I am by no means very adept at being either of those descriptives!! But ... at the moment, I am working on a little project for Kaylah's 1st birthday and it has reminded me of how truly amazingly creative and artistic God is ... in all things!

I refer again to Louie Giglio as my real source of inspiration for my recent thinking and I want to just share some of the things that I have found to be overwhelmingly powerful and convincing that God is real ... not that I ever doubted that however, sometimes, it is just good to be reminded of God's reality!

When God created the earth and everything that is in it ... he created all things from "no-thing" - Louie Giglio's description, not mine, but nonetheless, a very interesting thought! According to Louie, at this point in time, scientists are excited about "dark matter" and how important it is that, what is actually not visible to the naked eye, is extremely vital to the sustainability of our planet!! But hang on a minute ... isn't that what the Bible tells us in Genesis and again in Hebrews 11:1-3:

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

I sometimes freak out when I think about what heaven is going to be like because, I believe or at least hope that, our eyes will be fully opened to the wonder of God but even then, we may not be able to comprehend God completely because He is just so beyond us. Hopefully, however, we will have an opportunity to learn so much more about God's plan for the universe, and how the earth fits into that plan ... and even further still how we, as individuals, fit into that plan because God is an intimate and personal God.

My fleeting creativity in small projects fades into obscure insignificance in comparison to a mighty, everlasting artistic genius, the God of the Bible, who could speak and command such an amazing feat of nature, our earth, into existence from "no-thing"! Praise God for wanting to even know us after that!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reflections ... and Stirrings ...

We have just entered the year 2012 ... 12 days ago to be precise and I can't help but stop and reflect on my life to date and all the amazing adventures I have experienced! I will be turning 40 years old in May this year ... WOW ... that's such an amazing milestone, I can hardly believe it ... but it has also made me think about what I still want to achieve and how I want to be reminded of God's faithfulness every day so that I can continue living in a sacraficial way in order to bring God glory. I'm so far from being able to do this, but I've also found that writing my thoughts down brings them into a sharper focus of reality rather than a simple desire and/or mere whimiscal mind space!

I feel like I've been on a long and often very "dry" journey these past two years with so many things happening in my life which created such a self focus that was, almost, inevitable, but never my real purpose or aim ... it just kind of happened ... and I let it. And now that time is over ... it's time to refocus my eyes on Christ and look to Him for wisdom and guidance in all things!

I was listening to a fantastic sermon by Louie Giglio, Pastor of Passion City Church ( ) on being unusual ie. living an unusual life, not conforming to the norm, not being caught up in following society for the sake of being the same as everyone else but striving to be different, to be unusual - set apart from the norm, bringing glory to God and the passage he was focussing on is Romans 11:33-36 and a bit into Chapter 12 but I am so moved and challenged by the weight of the following words ...

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

"Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?"

"Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."

Is that not just an amazing reminder of who God is?? I just had to repeat them over and over again until their fullness had sunk in ... and is still sinking in to the depths of my heart and understanding of God ... oh ... to know God so much more intimately is my primary desire right now! Of course I love Brad and Kaylah to bits and they are of primary importance in my life but I have to put God first ... I am ashamed to think that I let him slide into third place there for a while, yet I realise now that He cannot be anything but in first place always for He deserves this position without a shadow of a doubt!

God is so creative, so artistic, so beautiful in his design and creation ... these three photos of a cloud, a flower and a gorgeous baby Kukkaburra bird remind me of His great provision!

More and more, the attitudes of my heart must be reminded of God's amazing love, faithfulness and forgiveness and my thankfulness and gratitude must move me forward to speaking in love, thinking in love, responding in trust and faith and forgiving in abundance for He forgave me first. I am so encouraged and uplifted today to keep on sharing my thoughts with whoever wants to listen and/or read ... may God's Holy Spirit be an ever present light in your life too!

Our Story Continues ....

Well, I've been encouraged to continue writing our story and since it has been a long time since my last post, I thought, what better time to write than now, just before Kaylah turns 1 year old on 22 January 2012!!

I thought I should at least post one or two photos from our wedding since I hadn't put any of them on having been off line for so long ... so here are a few from what was a very special and amazing celebration of our love ... I still think about this day and love it more every time I see the photos!! God is so good to me ... for bringing Brad into my life ... I'm so thankful for him!

And Kaylah is like an Angel from heaven brought to earth to fulfill our lives ... I can't believe how this year has flown and my little miracle chicken has grown into a gorgeous little babbling toddler, full of curiosity and mischief with loads of character!! She has brought us so much joy and laughter in the year gone by and a few nightmares too ... but she is loved and cherished beyond what any words could suitably describe! I thought I should post a few photos of her ... from 4 days old to ... 1 year old (almost!)!!

Happy Birthday to our precious darling baby girl Kaylah Grace on 22 January 2012 - we love you to bits!!