Noosh Time

Monday, April 10, 2006

Photography Course with Stu & The Crew

Since buying my new camera, I have wanted to learn more about how to use it properly to get the best effects and also to understand how the aperture, shutter speed, composition and depth of field all work together to create the shot that I want ...

So, a good friend of mine, Stuart, who has a wealth of knowledge and experience having studied and practised professional photography for many years and who is also the "Apple" man whizz kid ... offered to run a course for us which was fantastic! I learnt so much more than I expected and I can seriously say that I think my photography will definitely improve as a result ... I went on the 2 day course this weekend with Stu's wife Jeanette, Cathy and Jim and Dave joined us for an afternoon shoot session!

We were attempting to perfect depth of field and use the aperture correctly and subsequently adjusting the shutter speed in accordance with the light metre reading ... we did a shoot at Long Reef Beach ... then headed up to North Head for a sunset shoot and this morning, we braved the icy cool darkness and went down to Curl Curl Beach for a sunrise of spectacular proportions!! The reason I say this is because today we had the biggest surf conditions in 3 decades ... the waves were absolutely huge (approx. 6-7m) which created many opportunities for some great spray shots ... check it all out ...

Bird Life ... a lonely Sea Gull ... note the depth of field in these next few shots ... (shallow depth = front in focus, background blurred)

Sea Kelp ...

What's in a blade of grass?

Surf Ski Rider ...

Sunset on North Head looking over the harbour entrance back to the city of Sydney ...

Stu ... Photography Expert and Whizz Kid ...

Jeanette, Stu, Cathy & Jim ... Photography Buddies ...

Jeanette & Jim ... funky friends!

Early morning sun touches Curl Curl Beach's local wildlife ...

North Curl Curl Sea Pool ... calm before the storm ...

Waves pound against the North Curl Curl Sea Pool sending spray high into the air ...

Rock formations provide a good frame ...

I managed to get a grip on the difference between a shallow depth of field and a deep depth of field ...

Looking at South Curl Curl Ocean Pool and back towards Manly ... the waves were even more spectacular ...


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