Noosh Time

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Noosh News : January 07

Welcome to "Noosh News" where you will get to read all about what God has been doing in my life over the month. January 2007 began with closure and a new beginning. The closure signalled the end of a chapter in my secular working life and the beginning of a life living by faith. I flew to Adelaide on Sunday, 7 Jan 07 with Jenna to commence a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) - "Member Care" Course (MCC) for 4 weeks. Our "home" was the YWAM base in the hills of Norton Summit. The course was run by a South African lady with many years of experience in missions and member care. There were 14 students from 5 different mission organizations, covering 4 nationalities - South Africa, New Zealand, Philippines and Australia and age ranged from 23 to 76 years with missionary experience from zero to 30+ years on the field. I really felt spiritually mentored as I gained many insights, inspirations and encouragements from their stories of God's faithfulness, mind-blowing God moments and answers to prayer on the mission field.

Jenna and I were blessed to share Bek's little 2-room unit on the base. We had a separate lounge area for TV and relaxing and a bedroom with 4 huge bunk beds - with the highest ceilings I've ever seen!! We spent the next 4 weeks learning about how to care for missionaries and I really believe that God placed me there for all the right reasons. The course was also a foundational grounding for understanding what issues and pitfalls missionaries face and how to deal with them. We covered topics including Attrition, Dysfunctional Families, Missionary Kids & Families, Contingency Planning, Financial Support Raising & Budgeting, Self Care, Selection & Screening, Newsletters, Sending Cells, Debriefing & Counselling, Grief, Miscarriage of Vision, Moral Failure, Re-entry, Culture Shock, Intercession, Team Work, Confrontation and Singleness.

A typical day on the course started at 7.00am for showers & brekkie, then worship time at 8.30am or work duties (cleaning the base!) on Mon & Thurs mornings, 9.00am - 12.30pm was class time, and lunch was served promptly at 12.30pm. After lunch, we had free time and then class started again from 2.30pm - 5.30pm. During the week, dinner was served at 6.00pm. Everyone ate together in the dining room and then retired for the evening to either go for a walk around the base and the vineyards, or to spend some quiet time meditating on the Word and praying or watching a bit of TV and heading to bed! Weekends were free time to ourselves. I attended 2 different churches, had OM dinner commitments, explored the city, went to the central markets and I spent one weekend on Kangaroo Island which was fantastic. It was a treat to be amongst amazing wildlife - penguins, sea lions, wallabies, kangaroos, koalas, seals, dolphins and heaps of birds. I also saw the Remarkable Rocks and the Admiral's Arch as well, both of which were beautiful natural formations.

We had regular small group sessions where we talked and prayed for one another. We also had 3 tests, which we passed with flying colours. In addition, we had lots of debriefing to ensure that we were tracking okay and to deal with any issues that may have arisen or needed to be dealt whether in the present or the past. I found these times were real opportunities of spiritual strengthening when someone genuinely listened to everything that I said without any judgments or attempts to find quick resolve. We also had incredible intercessory prayer as we waited on God to minister, prophesy and provide spiritual guidance. It was so evident to me that there was a very healthy interdependence on one another yet a complete dependence on God in all things and acknowledgment that without Jesus we cannot do anything by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. We celebrated the end with a "Love Feast"!!

All in all, I strengthened my faith, learned heaps about Member Care and missionary preparation, had amazing intercessory prayers spoken over my life and had confirmation that God has me exactly where he wants me to be! Please email me your prayer requests and news - would love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to read my news - will be in touch next month!

I fly to Melbourne on Friday, 9 Feb 07 for the OM Orientation so please pray that God will guide me on the time frames for going to the ship - Thx!

Praise & Prayer Focus
Please take a minute of your time to lift up these praise & prayer points on my behalf. Thank you for your prayers!

* Praise God for his faithfulness

* Praise God that I learned so much from the MCC course to prepare me for my journey

* Pray that God will continue to raise up committed prayer supporters and a strong sending cell

* Pray that God will speak to the hearts of people who want to willing provide financial support as they are led

* Pray that God will continue to lead me by the power of His Holy Spirit to know the right timing for joining the Ship and that the Global Action Orientation week in Melbourne will be a fruitful time

Food For The Soul
Micah 5:4-5 - Missionary Care
Hebrews 3:13 - Encouragement
Hebrews 11:6 - Faith in God
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 - Comfort in Trouble
Deuteronomy 8:3 - Bread of Life

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kangaroo Island : Friday, 26 Jan to Sunday, 28 Jan 07

I left Adelaide at 3.15pm on Friday, 26 Jan 07 after classes in the morning and then an OM BBQ in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens which was lovely! The trip to Cape Jervis was approx. 2hrs and then we boarded the ferry to Kangaroo Island. I met a lovely local farmer called Sandra along the way. When I arrived on the Island at Penneshaw, there to greet me was a little blue fairy penguin ... it was gorgeous and a rare sighting as they are apparently not often seen now with the drought. I have been staying at the YHA which has been very comfortable and pleasant - the only difficulty was that I had to negotiate a top bunk which was a bit scary as the guard rail was not stable and kept falling off the bed?! Tonight however, I've got a bottom bunk so that is cool!!

Anyway, today I spent the day on a tour around the island which was fantastic! Our first stop was at Seal Bay where we walked on the beach with Australian Sea Lions who were basking in the sun, catching up on their sleep and one or two were swimming in the ocean ... it was spectacular!

Then we went to lunch on a farm and were treated to some koalas, a tame wallaby and an elusive echidna which I didn't get to see! We also had a typical Aussie BBQ lunch!

After that we went to the "Remarkable Rocks" which lived up to their name ... they are granite rocks that have been shaped into some amazing features due to exposure from the wind, sun, rain and salty sea water ... we had a lot of fun exploring the rocks and taking heaps of photos!!

Our last main tour stop was at the "Admiral's Arch" and there we were treated to a show by a bunch of New Zealand Seals who were swimming, fighting in the rock pools, weaning their babies which was quite despairing to watch the little things looking for a teat to attach themselves to much to the disdain of the females they were "attacking" ... and then we spotted some dolphins jumping in the waves and frolicking about with the seals which was absolutely superb fun ... it caused me and a couple of Austrian's on the bus with us to be late getting back to the bus for the final departure but it was worth the run ...

We also got close to a few kangaroos and wallabies and we even got to see the elusive echindna on the road side but I missed a photo opportunity with it?! However, when I get back to Sydney, I will have heaps of photos to download so "watch this space" ... and keep checking back if you are interested in seeing my photos from the trip!!

I have had a wonderfully relaxing time here ... have had some alone time to think about life and the transition of my life at this point in time. I've had time to pray and connect with God in such a beautiful, serene and relaxing environment ... God is amazing ... His fingerprints are all over this place!!

Will be back in Adelaide tomorrow ... then our final week of the course with a "Love Feast" celebration on Thursday night and finally, I will be back in Sydney next Saturday, 3 Feb 07! I'm so looking forward to being home and seeing everyone again ... until then ... God Bless You wherever you may be in the world!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY NICOLA!!! : Thursday, 25 Jan 07

Happy 1st Birthday to my darling little niece Nicola for this Thursday, 25 January 2007!!

I can't believe she is already 1 year old ... how time flies ... and we have yet to meet in person?! Big Hugs of Love from Aunty Noosh :o)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Trip to Hahndorf : Adelaide : Saturday, 20 Jan 07

On our weekends off, we explored the local surroundings and Jenna and I spent the day at a little German village called "Hahndorf" which was loads of fun! The weather was not great ... bit wet and cold ... and we ran our car battery flat by leaving the lights on so we had to get creative and with assistance from the locals, we were soon on our way again! Here are some memories from the trip ...

There were some quaint shops around with yummy goodies in ... all with a German flavour and style ...

We had lunch at the German Pub which served only German dishes ...

... and they even had a German entertainer!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

MCC : Some Photos

Here are some photos that I took in Adelaide of all the different things that I got up to for your enjoyment!

Adelaide is known as the "City of Spires" as there are so many churches ... and it's true ... I loved this cross on the local Anglican church at Norton Summit.

On our very first day at the base, we spotted 2 wild koalas in a tree off the road near the base ...

Peek-a-boo ... I can see you!!

The YWAM Base is located in Norton Summit, in the foothills overlooking Adelaide. The base used to be a Governor's house, then became an orphanage and overlooks the Morialta vineyard and the Australian bush ... a beautiful serene setting ... and home for the 4 weeks we were in Adelaide!

The view from the top balcony of the base looking back towards Adelaide City ...

The YWAM staff took us on a tour of Adelaide city which included a couple of Friday night outing trips to the Central Market in Adelaide city ... this is the largest fresh produce market in the Southern Hemisphere ... or some claim to fame like it?!

Our class was made up of 14 students, 1 leader and 3 co-leaders ... from 5 different mission organisations, 4 nationalities and ranging in age from 23 to 76!!

Class time was busy, busy, busy ... lots of note writing, discussion groups, worship time, intercessory prayer, small groups and lectures ... including tests!!

There were some beautiful flowers around the base ... and for those that know me well, you would know how much I love flowers!

On our walk up to the local post office and pub, we spotted a mother and baby koala ... we saw another 2 adults in other trees too ... it was amazing to spot so many wild koalas as it is a rare sighting ... one of the people on the base told us that they had not see a wild koala in the 4 years they had lived on the base?!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

MCC : Comets, Photos, Prayer & News Updates : Wednesday, 17 Jan 07

Well I had to write another entry because I'm so excited ... tonight I got to see a Comet called the "McNaught" Comet which will apparently never be seen again in our life time. The comet is currently in the Australian skyline and is most visible just after the sun has gone down but it is not quite dark yet ... it was so visible here in Adelaide with a long white tail section and a few bright bits in the main part of it ... I was absolutely blown away that I could see it so clearly and I managed to get some great photos of it which again, I will share once I'm back in Sydney so don't forget to check the BLOG after early Feb for all the photos ... how amazing!! I've been told that it is currently over the Sydney Opera House which would be spectacular to see too!

In addition, I was sent a photo of our class which I wanted to share with you all so you can see who I am spending my days with and living in community with ... here is our MCC Adelaide Class 2007!

Weekly Prayer Update & Monthly News Letter

I also wanted to let you know that I'm going to start writing a weekly prayer update and a monthly newsletter which I will distribute via email. We've have been learning about intercession and the importance of building a solid prayer network. I really believe this is key to doing missionary work!

Thank you for thinking of me, for your prayers and all the emails, txt msgs and phone msgs that I have received while I've been away in Adelaide which have all been very encouraging and have meant so much to me! I realise how blessed I am to have such amazing friends and such a caring and loving community at St Matts and also around the world ... God Bless you all!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MCC - Koala Spotting : Tuesday, 16 Jan 07

This is the base from the road looking back across the vineyards ...

These are the 2 koalas that we spotted on our first day at the base ...

It is a rare privilege to have seen so many koalas in the wild. I went for a walk with another friend on Sunday afternoon and we spotted a mother with her baby on her back and 2 other koalas which was just amazing!

Today we went for a walk in the bush countryside and spotted a koala sleeping in a tree not far off the ground ... isn't he adorable and so cuddly??

At the moment we have about 60 basketball teens on the base so life is slightly more hectic than usual around here especially in the mornings and late evenings and in the bathrooms!! However, it also makes things more entertaining and challenging! Fortunately, they are away from the base for most of the daylight hours playing in a tournament so we have peace and quiet to get on with our study!

We had a test this morning ... thankfully most of us passed with full marks which was encouraging. I'm feeling like I might be coming down with a bit of head cold so if you would like to pray for me, please pray that this does not progress and that I can maintain full health to not miss any of the course!

Tomorrow, after class, we are going for a field trip to Mt Lofty which is the highest point overlooking Adelaide and we may even get to see a comet which is currently visible in the Adelaide sky ...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

MCC - Weekend Break : Saturday, 13 January 2007

I can't believe that one week has already been completed in the course and we are now enjoying a relaxing break over the weekend. I have learnt many interesting, challenging and helpful things regarding "Member Care" which I believe will be a very good preparation base for things to come. The weather has continued to be really warm with a cool breeze in the mornings but thankfully the heat has not been too unbearable.

We had some horrendous bush fires raging out of control in the southern regions of the Mt Lofty range which is only about 30kms from the base ... this was a bit scary as we could hear the drone of the fire as it raged out of control racing through the dry bushlands and scrub just over the hills. Jenna and I imagined that we may be evacuated in the wee hours but decided we would be ok to just throw a few things into our suitcases and make a dash for it down the hill in the car we have!

Last night about 11 of us went back to the markets in the city centre and had a meal together and did some shopping. I was amazed by the variety of specialty food stores and the place was buzzing with people and activity as most people relaxed after what appeared to be a long week at work following the New Year and Christmas breaks judging by their demeanour!

The base is quieter over the weekend as most locals go back to their own homes or to friends for the weekend which gives us who remain here more space and time to relax and just soak up some well deserved rest! I feel like I'm on a bit of a brain overload and I think that the whole change of lifestyle is catching up with me! I feel quite weird when I think about work because it almost feels like I'm on a holiday and it is taking some time to sink in that I will not be going back to the office to work ever again ... quite surreal really!? I've been feeling mentally tired from the lectures even though I'm really interested and keen to know and learn more about the subjects we are being taught. It is also the change of pace and the change of living environment that has meant numerous adjustments to how I think about things. All in all, however, I am finding it really cool to be hanging out with some older folk and some younger folk who I can draw wisdom from and I love their stories and testimonies regarding answered prayers and miraculous God moments ... these are most fun and encouraging to hear! It reminds me of how amazing God is in creating each of us so unique with different experiences and different lives based on the choices we make and don't make.

I am currently reading a great book and I wanted to share this excerpt from pg 26-27:

"Many things have blinded our eyes; a multitude of theological distinctions and religious traditions have made a dichotomy between the doctrines of God and an intimate relationship with him. But there is hope wherever Christians are hungering for God. This is the only cause that ultimately counts, the only link that will not be bent and broken by the ignorance and selfishness of men. Our real link is not with any organisation, but with the living God. As we humble ourselves at the cross, we shall learn the reality of Jesus' power that conquered sin and death. We will receive the promise: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6)"

What a great encouragement to end this entry on ... blessings to you and may you hunger and thirst for righteousness and be filled.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

MCC - YWAM : Adelaide : Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Having arrived in Adelaide safely, we were met by a YWAM leader who took us into the hills of Adelaide and up to the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base. The base is an old mansion that was built in the 1800s and used to be the Governor's House before it became an orphanage and then became the base for YWAM South Australia. I wish I could show you the photos but it is a beautiful and picturesque setting amongst the vineyards and the rolling hills which are surprisingly green considering the drought situation here!

Jenna and I are sharing a room with a lovely girl - the room is so quaint ... it's really spacious and we have our own separate little lounge area and a door onto the balcony which extends around the whole house. We have limited mobile phone coverage here so having access to the balcony is a bonus ... you just have to hang over the edge with a coat hanger in one hand and your mobile in the other ... tee hee! Jenna is on a very high top bunk and I am on the lower one (thankfully!) and she can stand up straight on her top bunk and still not reach the ceiling so the ceilings are very, very high which makes the room feel very spacious! I feel very at home here despite missing the comfort of my own bathroom ... we have a shared girls bathroom facility which is very old but very quirky in a shabby chic kind of way!!

On our first day, Jenna and I also had a chance to visit some of the South Australian OM staff who have given us some "wheels"!! This is great because it means that we will be mobile on the weekends when we have time to ourselves and can go exploring! On our way back to the base with the car, we were able to stop and see two wild koala bears sitting in a gum tree ... it was so special as it is quite rare to see them in the wild and I managed to get some great shots so as soon as I can download my photos, I will update my pages!

On our first night we had an orientation BBQ with everyone and got to know each other better! There are some great people here from a variety of mission organisations with heaps of missionary experience and knowledge which is invaluable to hear. I had to introduce a team member who is in her mid-sixties, used to be a rocker, has 11 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren with one to come and who has been a missionary for over 14 years! She's a gem ... along with another gem who is 76 yrs old and has had over 30 something years as a missionary ... and others who I haven't got time to mention right now!

As a result of our wheels, last night (Mon, 8 Jan) we were able to go out for a cheap eat with a friend of hers and she took us to her favourite cafe on Henley Beach. After a long walk up the promenade, we watched the sun setting over the water which was just spectacular and enjoyed a delicious meal at a little cafe called Evida. It was a great opportunity to get to know some of the OM team in South Australia and to see more of Adelaide too!

In the course so far, we've learnt heaps about attrition (why missionaries leave the field), how to raise support and today we took a group tour into the heart of Adelaide city to the "market" for lunch ... we then did a driving tour of the city and went up to Eagle Hill look out to see the city. We've had many laughs as we are all getting to know one another better and many amazing stories of God's faithfulness on the mission field which have inspired and encouraged and challenged us in our faith.

I know that I have made the right decision to be here and that God has placed me here at the right time ... I am content and feel a deep sense of peace that this is exactly where I am meant to be and what I am meant to be doing for the time being and I am grateful and blessed to have so many amazing friends supporting me in prayer and encouragement so thank you to one and all! Please email me with your news and happenings so that I am in the loop on your lives too!

Signing off ... will be in touch again ... God Bless you wherever you may be in the world!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bon Voyage & Happy New Year 2007 Drinks Party : Saturday, 6 Jan 07

Tonight we had a great party at our place ... everyone came along to say "Happy New Year 2007" to each other and it was also an opportunity for me to say "Cheers" ... until Feb 07! Here are some memorable moments from the evening ...