Noosh Time

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Old School Buddies!

Whilst in SA, I had the pleasure of catching up with some of my dearest school buddies ... girls who, no matter how far away the are, have always remained close friends and I love them to bits! I had dinner with Lee-Anne Davidson and Annabelle Meaker (nee Inghilterra) ... and I also went and stayed a night at Annie's place in the estated of Kirklington which is a beautiful housing estate in Hillcrest. Annie has 4 beautiful children ... Bella, Cole, Lorenzo and Carla ... too gorgeous ... have a peek!

Annie and I went up to Ballito for brekkie at the Mug & Bean ...

Annie, Lee-Anne & I had dinner at The Grill in Florida Road ...

Annie's front veranda ... Kirklington Estate ...

Annie and her kids ... (L-R) Cole, Lorenzo, Carla and Bella ...

Annie's Italian villa ... a haven and a beautiful home ...

Other Kirkington mansions ... Sean Pollock (ex-South African cricket captain) and his wife Trisha (nee Lauderdale) also live in the Kirklington Estate! My Dad played cricket with Sean's father and I knew Trisha at school - she was a year below me and her older sister Debbie is best friends with Al Wheatley. I am God Mother to Al's daughters here in Sydney ... small world heh? Talk about 6 degrees of separation ... ?


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