Noosh Time

Monday, October 10, 2005

Kenya : Day 8 : Nairobi to Namanga

Before heading out from Nairobi, some of us decided we wanted to visit the Giraffe Centre and the Elephant Orphanage which are in Nairobi and assist rehabilitation of Giraffes and Baby Ellies ... oh my gosh, what an experience ... I actually hugged an adult female giraffe called "Annie"!!! She also gave me a big "peck" on the cheek with her long grey tongue which was quite something ... uggh ... I hear you say ... well ... it wasn't that bad ... just a bit of fun !!

The elephants were absolutely gorgeous ... they are all "baby" ellies ... but then there was a real baby, baby ellie who was too sweet for words! They each have a personal trainer who actually lives - eats, sleeps and plays with them 24/7 and they become very tame and attached ... I actually got to touch one of them as well ... very hairy, leathery type skin!

We then started off on a long drive towards the border of Tanzania ... bumpy roads were the norm but not as bad as our first days in Lake Nakuru and Lake Naivasha. We stopped at a campsite just before the border because it took most of the day to drive there but it would have been a mission to try and get across the border before it closed and then trek on to Arusha ... we had a big thunderstorm in Namanga which kept us all in the little room where TT was cooking our food ... I was again inspired to write some poetry and I came up with this ...

Marty's time is "ish-ish"
Tito's specialty is cooking a fine dish
Patrick is an awesome driver
An upgrade will cost a US$ fiver.

Tusker flows from town to town
Clothes are soon a dusty brown
Heat and rain will bring some fun
Brolleys for the wet, and lotion of the sun.

Water revives a dry throat
Hippos may rock a flimsy boat
Giraffes and Ellie's are a treat
The Big Cats are playing hide and seek.

Chores and tasks must be done
Carnivores provided much fun
Space on the truck is getting cosy and tight
But "No worries, we'll be right"!

Tent making is a pain in the bum
It's a hammer and a ho, and a hammer and a hum
Till our little roving camp is done
And another day of our holiday is gone.

(Vanessa Archibald ©, Namanga - Kenya - 9 October 2005)


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